Bits and Pieces

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Legacy gently placed her phone down beside her and closed her eyes. She felt horrible that she made the others worry over her, enough that Jaehee decided to call and check if she was still around.

It wasn't like she was being lazy or anything, she was just so engrossed with trying to figure things out that she failed to realize everything else around her.

Her memories still haven't returned and it was honestly beginning to scare her a little. But even so, there were times when she felt like she knew something about herself, but couldn't specify what it was. Her negative thoughts, for example, were one of them.

Every time Legacy felt scared, lonely, insecure, or even pessimistic about something, she had this strong feeling that it was related to something from her past.

She recalled the person called Unknown that had led her to the apartment before suddenly disappearing without a trace. Was it his intention all along to bring her to the RFA? If so, why? She couldn't think of a reason why this person would want that to happen, with her memories missing and all.

Who knows, maybe she did something bad to him and he was getting his revenge in an overly complex method?

It may sound exciting, like something out of a movie, but the reality was thoroughly contrary. Legacy didn't feel safe even though they assured her that the apartment was very secured. Since Seven was in charge of the security and all the classified information concerning the RFA, she should have felt more relaxed being in a place that was said to be well protected. But instead she felt a bit paranoid. It felt like she knew something bad was going to happen to her if she stayed inside.

Bzzt! Bzzzt! Bzzzt!

Her phone began to vibrate from an incoming call. Legacy looked outside the window and saw that it was getting dark. The others would probably be mad if they found out that she skipped lunch today.

She picked up the phone and checked the caller ID.

"Huh...?" She blinked, the caller was Seven. "Wonder what he wants this time..."

"Hello?" Legacy spoke once she answered. Hearing her voice and how gloomy it sounded, she instantly forced herself to smile and pretend to be cheerful. "Oh! Seven, it's you! How's it going~?"

Legacy could hear a tapping sound from his side of the call. It sounded like he was drumming his fingers against something. She decided to wait patiently for him to respond so she stayed quiet.

"...........Eh? Uhh, hello? Did you pick up?" Seven asked, laughing a bit awkwardly. "Guess I didn't realize it. Umm, how's the weather there?"

"The weather?" She tilted her head and glanced at the window. The stars were already out and the city lights shone brightly, reflecting against the clear glass. "Hmm... I don't know. It's kinda dark outside, haha! Oh. Maybe I should have said that the weather was dark?"

"Huh? What?? It's dark out already?! Wow... I was so busy that I had no idea. Hahaha! I was trying to continue my work for the agency since my maid came over and gave me an earful for not finishing anything. Gahhh... I could almost feel my ears bleeding from that..." Seven joked. He sounded like he was in such a good mood despite his current situation.

Legacy smiled and the fluttering feeling in her chest began, but it was soon replaced by a heartbreaking constriction when he mentioned his maid. She never remembered him mentioning he even had one. Who was she?

Suddenly, a voice in the background began yelling at Seven to stop talking on the phone and resume working.

"What? No, I wasn't on the phone with someone. I was...listening to music. Yeah. I couldn't concentrate properly, that's why. Huh? You don't believe me?" Legacy stayed silent and listened as Seven conversed with someone else, presumably his maid. "Wait! Don't come here! Shit... Legacy, I need to go now." He whisper-yelled before hurriedly hanging up.

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