Concerning Legacy

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~Jaehee's POV~

"Elizabeth, please stop

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"Elizabeth, please stop. I can't work like this." I sighed for the fourth time that afternoon.

Mr. Han's cat kept rubbing its head against everything she sees. My clothes, my furniture, even my work is covered all in this dreaded white cat hair. "If you keep this up then I'll never get any work done today..."

Yes, my life was turning to hell because of a cat. I can almost see my entire future crumbling down whenever she meows at me and blinks those blue eyes of hers. I will never understand how Mr. Han manages to put up with this much amount of attention seeking.

Feeling rather frustrated that I wasn't allowed to work, I logged in to the messenger in hopes of finding someone to chat with. I hate to complain about my work since the pay is very good, but babysitting this feline was not in the job description. Thankfully Mr. Han will return home tonight and take his cat back.

>>> RFA Chatroom <<<

>>> RFA Chatroom <<<

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Seven and Jaehee!!!

Guess what happened to me today T_T

Jaehee Kang

You finally decided to stop gaming? ^^


That sounds totally impossible lol

Yoosung + LOLOL = 4lyf

The day Yoosung quits LOLOL is the day the world ends



but ya that's true

LOLOL is the place where I can be free from my worries~

Jaehee Kang

Considering the hours you spend in front of the computer just playing that, you're going to have a hard time after you graduate and in need of a job.

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