Don't trust the cat abuser

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>>> RFA Chatroom <<<

>>> RFA Chatroom <<<

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Jumin Han

So Seven has feelings for Legacy...

Jaehee Kang

Yes, it would seem so.

Hello, Legacy.


Hi Jaehee ^^

Jumin Han

I wasn't aware that you were online.


Didn't you check before coming into the chatroom..?

Jumin Han


Is there a way to check?

Jaehee Kang

Mr. Han, if you exit the chatroom and check it

Then you can see the pictures of who are online

Jumin Han


-Jumin Han has left the chatroom-



Jaehee Kang

Mr. Han isn't very good with technology.

So this is to be expected....

-Jumin Han has entered the chatroom-

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-Jumin Han has entered the chatroom-

Jumin Han

So there really is a way to check.


You're... kinda funny ^^

Jaehee Kang

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