Chapter 16

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I took a deep breath. Dad was yelling at Lydia, as usual. He really should stop doing that. I've never seen Lydia answer him back, but how long can a person stand this kind of treatment when they finally crack?

"Hannah, what's going on?" Ethan asked as he looked up from his sandwich. Ethan was my half-brother. He's dad's and Lydia's kid. He's really cute, smart and loving. It's always a wonder that Ethan didn't turn out troubled living under the same roof as Dad. He's really special and I love him so much. It's really terrible that Dad didn't really play or spend time with Ethan like other dads do. I think Ethan wanted to be with Dad, but Dad's unfortunate personality scared him.

"It's probably nothing. Here, finish your snack and then we'll go do your homework, ok?" I said with a smile. He nodded his head and went back to his ham and cheese sandwich.  I sighed and continued reading my book. Hailey was nowhere to be seen. She's probably avoiding him. Can't really blame her. Dad got on her case, just as much as he got on mine about my weight. With Hailey, he's always saying she should assert herself more to her studies than doing things like going out with friends. Right now, he's angry at her for taking a year off after high school to go backpacking to South East Asia.  She didn't even want to go to college. She hadn't told him that. Which was why she's still alive and breathing. 

Just then, the kitchen door opened and in came Hailey with a huge bag on her shoulder. Speak of the devil. She looked winded. I looked at her curiously. She dumped the bag on the breakfast counter, startling Ethan.

"Whoa, where did you come from? What's in the bag?" I asked, peering inside her bag. Hailey threw her upper body on top of the bag. I withdrew my hand and rolled my eyes. Dramatic, much?

"Is it for me?" Ethan asked her hopefully. Hailey laughed as she ruffled his soft brown hair. I just looked at her and took a sip of my iced tea. Hailey finally sat beside Ethan and started eyeing my drink. I grasped the tall glass in my hand.

"In the fridge." I said, without looking up from my book. I caught her pout and then she walked to the fridge with an identical glass. She poured  some tea and drank it then and there, right in front of the opened fridge. She sighed contentedly when she finished the whole glass. She poured a second helping and closed the fridge door. She set her glass on the breakfast counter and peered over Ethan's unfinished homework. I didn't say anything, knowing well that she'll crack eventually. Hailey could never keep a secret. Especially from me and Ethan. And looking at her now, she looked like she was about to burst. Finally, she pushed the bag to the middle of the counter. I looked at her excited face and opened the bag. It was full of teddy bears made from cotton felt material. They were so pretty and colorful. I took one in my hand. It was a baby blue bear wearing denim overalls. It was cute. Ethan took one brown one. 

"What are these bears doing here? Did you make these?" I asked, looking at Hailey's red, excited face. She nodded furiously. My eyes widen in surprise. Wow.

"Whoa,  you made these?  What are they for?  And why are there so many?" I asked, fingering the tiny cute bear.

"Well, I'm actually volunteering at the hospital before I go on my backpacking trip to South East Asia.  I made these with Anya.  And we're having a Bear-y Special Day at the children's ward next week. Yeah, I know the name's lame but whatever. Aaron Edmunds and Taliah Woods are coming too! " Hailey said excitedly. Wow,  Hollywood stars are coming,  too!  That's cool. 

"Wow,  that's great! I never knew you're really into this kind of thing."I exclaimed,  genuinely surprised and proud of my sister.  I mean,  I always knew Hailey's kind to animals and kids really love her.  But I never knew, behind her ditzy facade,  she is a philanthropist at heart. 

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