Within hours, everyone was asleep except for Anthony, David, and Frank. David sat at the fire, Frank looked towards the east and south, and Anthony looked towards the north and west. Halfway through the first hour, David approached him. “Listen” he said. “Sorry about earlier. Peter and I always fight, and sorry about my attitude.” “Why are you telling me?” asked Anthony. “Well, obviously you felt something after you said family, so sorry for making you say that” said David. “We’ve all lost family” said Anthony. “Yeah, but you remembered” said David. “We all do” said Anthony. “Not all of us” concluded David, but before Anthony could say anything, there was a loud “AHHHHHHH” from behind.

                             They turned and saw two walkers attacking Frank. They ran up and threw them off of him. Anthony stabbed one in the head, but David beat the others head against the tree. The walker slid to the ground where David drew back his foot and then dug his foot into the walkers brain. “Woah” said Frank, wiping his forehead. “Did it get you?” David asked. “Nah, bro, I’m good” said Frank, checking for bites just in case.

                               The next morning, the group packed up their things and headed up the road. For the first few hours, there was no sign of life, supplies, or homes. At noon, the group sat in the middle of a highway and started making a meal. “We’ve got to hurry this up” said Tyler. “By my calculations, we might make it to a town at around six.” “Were you, like, a math teacher?” asked Anthony. “No” said Tyler. “I was a mail man.” “Were you trying to be a math teacher?” asked Carly. “No” said Tyler. “Were you good at math?” asked William. “No” said Tyler. “Then why are we trusting you?” asked Gwen. “Because I’m the only smart one hear” said Tyler. ‘But you just said” Gwen began, but Kevin said “Let it go.”

                                   Halfway through the meal, Quinn and Kevin had finished. “Daddy, can we throw a ball?” Quinn asked. “Sure pumpkin” said Kevin. He rummaged through his pack before drawing a small ball. They walked over to a nearby car and Kevin through the ball, which went flying into the trees. “I got it” said Quinn. She ran to the trees and started searching for the ball. She felt around in the bushes and then said “Got you.” As she tried to pick it up, it was too heavy. She looked up and then screamed.

                                     The group turned and saw Quinn crawling away from a walker. Anthony jumped up, drew his hammer, ran to the walker, and started beating its heads in. He looked up and his heart sank. A horde of walkers was walking towards him.

                                    “RUN” he shouted. He picked Quinn up and, along with the rest of the group, grabbed their easiest things and ran off. As they ran down the highway, walkers emerged from all sides and started following them. One grabbed Kate and was about to bite her, but Gwen aimed her gun and shot the walker. As she smiled to herself, a walker emerged from behind and grabbed her arm. “NO” shouted Anthony, but David ran forward, pulled the walker away, and shot it in the face.

                                        “Go, go, go” said David as the group continued running. “Guys” said William and the group saw an RV nearby. “COME ON” shouted Anthony as the group ran to the RV. Anthony opened the door, they all ran in, Anthony shot the nearest walker, and then jumped inside and closed the door.

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