Dean Imagine

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For @maykaylalouiseneuton1

Imagine getting sick and going into the hospital and Dean is protective and upset

Everything was going like normal, every week just about there would be a case that the Winchesters and Y/N would go on. Just a day ago a certain Siren case brought them to Louisiana, where they tracked down the sneaky snake that was seducing men and making them do crazy things. Murdering their family, emptying their bank accounts for her, anything under the sun. She had to be stopped and fast, but right now there was an army of brainwashed men ready to beat the crackers out out of the trio. The men came barreling at them first, Sam and Dean put up a good fight and Y/N did too yet she was the one who got beaten up the most, she got quite a few swings but was down with a nasty one in the stomach.

"Hey Y/N you alright?" Dean called looked back as he was finished off the last guy, giving him a good shiner that would make him stay down.

It took her a while to answer her friend, gasping and sputtering for air as the blow had knocked all the air out of her as well, not to mention bringing a searing pain to her stomach. "It's nothing-" she managed using Sams hand that he offered to pull herself up though she really should have stayed down longer and rested. "Nothing I haven't had before." She chuckled slightly wincing.

Sam and Dean gave each other a look but continued to the Siren, they just wanted to get the case over with. On the other hand, Y/N struggled with every step, the pain in her stomach was searing and burning, different from the dull ache a normal punch to the stomach would be after a little while. She kept her mouth shut though, she didn't want to jeopardize the hunt they were so close to finishing.

Busting into a luxurious hotel room with blood covered bronze daggers, Sam and Dean lurch towards the Siren now in its monster form, gross and slimy looking like a gigantic pale unborn fetus. "Time for you to get stuffed back where you came from and be born right this time." Dean snickered to himself as he too observed the fetus-like look. Finally after a bit of a mental dule as the sneaky siren tried to change their minds by changing into various people, their mom, Jessica, their dad, even bobby it was dead on the ground. Sighing thankfully Dean turned to Y/N who was puking in the corner of the room. "Aw gross!" Dean looked away wondering why she was loosing her lunch. S-sorry.." she wiped her mouth. "That punch made my stomach unsettled..." she bit her lip, every step began to get agonizing as they quickly made their way out of the hotel.

"Y/N are you sure you're okay?" Sam asked her, trying to help her walk by supporting her.

"I'm fine I just need my bed, rest would be nice." She faked a smile, going to the hospital was always a dangerous shamble because the FBI could find them, or someone could even recognize them.

Y/N managed to get to the car with sams help, she sat back eagerly hissing slightly. "That's good..." she sighed, though as dean started to drive things only got worse, she broke out in a fever, she was hot and cold and couldn't even believe how much pain this was causing in her stomach. With one more turn Y/N felt nauseous all over again. "Dean pull over I'm gonna puke again." She muttered covering her mouth. "Not on the seats!" He swerved to the side of the road but was also a bit worried.

Once out of the car she could barely stand, she was sitting behind Dean so the closest door she got out from gave dean a whole view of Y/N throwing up deep crimson blood, and nothing but it. Dean's eyes widened as scrambled to get out "Y/N!" He quickly caught her as she began to fall from loosing grip on the side of the impala, he scooped her up and putting her right back in the car with the help of Sam and speeding off to the hospital. "You'll be alright okay?" Dean said glancing back at her while he drove, one hand holding hers and the other gripping the steering wheel tightly.

By that point Y/N's eyes were closed, she could barely keep them open. She could feel though when she was taken out of the car, and feel being held close to Dean's chest. And she could hear that he bellowed; "WE NEED A DOCTOR HERE!", and she could feel being laid down and a rushed kiss pressed to her forehead, but then she didn't feel anything anymore.

Not until, 3 days later, a little caress of the hand began waking her up. She was awake but her eyes still closed, just resting still. She began to hear deans husky voice; a hushed ballot he was whispering to her. "Sam and I need you m'kay? This world needs you, I need you. Don't give up on us. I know you're still in there. Please come back to us Y/N, we love you." He paused a little moment. "I love you." He said quieter than before.

He must've seen a doctor go by the room, quickly he caught them as Y/N had heard the chair screech back and footsteps leading away. The warmth that had been engulfing her hand was gone, leading her to think that Dean had been holding her hand. "Come on doc just check her one more time." Dean pleaded, the worry in his voice was very noticeable.

"Sir, I checked your wife twenty minutes ago and nothing had changed." The doctor sighed.

"I don't give a rats ass if you checked her twenty minutes ago, that was twenty minutes ago! Check her again!" Dean frowned angrily.

"I don't need anymore check ups, what I need is something to eat. I'm starving!" Y/N said, her voice a little hoarse from being out cold for more than 3 days.

Deans eyes widened as he flipped around and clambered over to Y/N, before she could say anything else he hugged her tightly. "Alright not too hard Barney..." she chuckled.

"Barney?" Dean cringed at the name. "You're as purple as him, have you looked in the mirror? Those bags under your eyes are as big as Atlanta." Y/N chuckled weakly. Dean shook his head with a small grin, thinking that an odd comparison but he'd take anything from her, he secretly loved her weird. "Sam and I were really worried about you. That punch had ruptured your stomach and stomach acid was leaking into your organs." He said sitting down.  "If we didn't bring you in soon you could have died, I-"

"Dean." He was interrupted by Y/N, but he wasn't mad, he simply responded with a "what?"

"I love you too." Y/N smiled softly as Dean blushed and looked into his lap, scratching his lip that had quite long stubble by now since he had barely left that room in the three days they were there.

Just then Sam walked in with coffees,  he had heard that little tidbit and rolled his eyes, setting down the coffees. "Okay it's been like, what? Two years since we've been hunting together? I think it's time you two smooched." He mumbled walking out again to do what moose do.

That comment made you giggle softly, leaning back into the pillow and looking to Dean, he leaned in and softly kissed you to your surprise, blushing you softly, very softly kissed him back.

Sammy was right, it had been two years since you met and fell in love with this big goof, and all it took was a mean punch to the gut and a moose to finally meet two ends.

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