Sam Imagine

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for BeacauseILoveu02

A song imagine based on the song: Waiting for Superman by Daughtry (Hopefully you all respect that I don't like writing out the lyrics of songs and such because I find some things don't add up entirely, so I'll be using some lines integrated into the imagine)

Imagine the reader is secretive and always puts on a smile though she's been through so much. Sam finds out and comforts her

Y/N had always been quiet. But when she wasn't she always managed to make someone smile. Her smile was infectious to others, even though hers was rarely real. Its hard to always act something you're not. To act happy when all you can see whenever you close your eyes is your fears, the things you've lost, or the things that haunt your dreams every night. 

Sam or Dean didn't know much about her either, she never said anything and they never asked thinking she had a clean slate. 

She had always seemed dreamy though, the boys managed to see a little snippet of the real Y/N when she would gaze at clouds rolling by, watch taxis pull away and drive off, count the stars in the night sky, and she would even volunteer to seduce monsters or men like she was trying to distract herself, dancing with strangers if you will. But, they never really knew what went on inside Y/N, how the little thread keeping her heart in pieces was them, was Sam.

It was early morning hours when the trio got home to their cruddy motel room. They were all exhausted but Y/N so much so that when she dropped her bag she timbered onto the bed and didn't get back up, almost passed out. Hours earlier she was kidnapped by werewolves, beaten senseless, but assured the boys she was only slugged a few times in the place where her injuries were most noticeable, mostly on her face. Sam had began to think otherwise to Y/N's story, because whatever she said was always that she was fine, or didn't need help. He was sure she was keeping secrets that had no reason to be kept.

"Alright, I'm heading to the bar. I deserve a well earned drink and chick." Dean grunted tiredly stuffing some cash in his pocket and trudging out of the room across the street. Sam sighed and fixed up a small cut on his arm, but just as he finished bandaging he noticed movement coming from the bed. Small whimpers escaped Y/N as she thrashed and jerked on the bed, if she was having a nightmare it must have been a night terror. Sam had never seen someone so troubled in their sleep in his entire life.

Though it was hard to watch Sam was curious what was going on in her mind, maybe this was his chance to truly understand.

"Um...hey Castiel...I think both Y/N and I need you down here so yeah." Sam said quietly clearing his throat. About a minute later Cas appeared with a quiet flap of the wings. "What is it Sam?" He frowned noticing Y/N still thrashing on the bed, he walked over to her about to relieve her nightmare for her, his two fingers extending to touch her forehead.

"No! Wait Cas- can you see into peoples dreams?" Sam asked frantically before his fingers touched her forehead.

"Yes...its not very respectful though-"

"Please Cas, I need to know whats going on in that dream." Sam cut him off, very serious about this. Cas soon sighed silently and nodded, touching his fingers to Y/N's forehead and then to Sam's forehead. What Sam saw made him want to cry, which was terribly rare. Y/N was seeping blood from hundreds of cuts on her body, her face red and streaked with tears as she screamed against a gag stuffed in her mouth, she was screaming for her life, well, more like anothers. Sam and Dean, along with others that he could only guess were family or friends were killed or being killed in several ways. The one only feet away from her was Sam, he was struggling against a rope strangling him until he went limp. Y/N in response only screamed louder, sobbing violently.

"Cas- I can't watch anymore...we have to wake her up." Sam pleaded to Cas, in which everything ended just as it had started. 

"I must return to heaven." Cas said quite troublesome and was gone with a blink of the eye.

Sam took no time to shake Y/N awake lightly, she bolted up panting softly, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. "O-oh was just having a nightmare..." She chuckled slightly and quickly wiped her eyes. Even after that monstrosity of a dream she managed to smile. Oh, the way she smiled. Such a smile thats beautiful on the outside but nothing on the inside, just a smile to cover up what she's really feeling.

"Y/N...its okay...its okay to be afraid, its okay to be hurt, its okay to be sad, its okay to be you." Sam took her hands in his big moose ones. "I know for months-years now all you've done is smile. You haven't let anyone in and that has to change. You're falling apart Y/N. I'm worried about you." Sam said softly looking into her eyes. His hazel eyes pleaded to Y/N, pleaded for anything, knowing and prepared for what was to come. 

That was all Y/N needed to hear, because the entire truth was, she just wanted, no, needed someone. Like a Superman. She needed someone to lift her up and take her away from the sad and troubled life, just for a second. If anyone could be her superman it was Sam Winchester.

With her arms wrapped around and gripping Sam tight, Y/N let out all that she had been holding in for as long as she remembered, because now she wasn't waiting for her Superman, she had her Superman holding her close.

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