Dean Imagine

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Imagine you're dean's daughter and a demon appears and hurts you (sorry if you don't like destiel but its in here OK)



"Daddy!" You smile, as dean picks you up and spins you on his hip, chuckling softly.

"Hey baby. Oofgh you're getting to big for daddy to hold you." He said putting you down and hugging you to his side. He ruffled your hair and held your hand, beginning to walk down the street.

"So how was your day at school?" Dean asks swinging both his and your arms.

"Good! There was this one guy, i think he likes me because he gave me a dandelion bouquet." You said a faint blush appearing on your cheeks.

"Oh yeah, Who's this boy?"

"Should i really be telling you that?" You shyly said as he smirked.

"Come on, i would just give him to man talk."

You rolled your eyes and climbed in the back of the impala, taking off your floral backpack and clicking the seat belt into place.

Dean revved up the impala and was about to drive when you reached forward and slapped his arm. "Daddy seat belt!" You tisked. He nodded and began the drive home.

When home you unpacked you bag and Began to draw while dean prepared you and him a snack.

While drawing you felt eeriness invade the room, and a strange feeling began to form in the pit of your stomach. You turned around quickly and ducted under the table screaming "DADDY!"

The table flipped over, shattering into tons of splinters and chips, making you scream, and exposing yourself to the black eyed man in front of you.

Dean ran into the room frantically, then was thrown across and slammed into the wall. You shook in fear as the man came closer to you, one painful step at a time. He flung you up to the wall, winding you and making you groan in pain.

Dean screamed not to hurt you, but would a demon really listen. Yes, you knew about the supernatural, you knew about angels, demons, you name it. Your other dad was an angel for god's sake.

As the demon slowly enclosed his hand choking you, you prayed to Castiel, constantly reciting 'dad please come, please i need you, dad'

"Y\N, don't worry baby, its going to be alright." Dean said, his eyes red and teary.

"Ahh, Winchesters. That's quite the opposite dean Winchester." The demon sneered. The pressure on your throat eased but a pain and pressure 30 times worse came to your leg after a clear 'snap' was heard, and you leg was bend the wrong way.

A blood curtling scream and continuous ones after made your throat raw, and beyond your screams all you could he were Dean's.

A last, long scream escaped your lips before you passed out from pain and exhaustion.

When you woke up, you shifted and there was no pain, no pain at all. You opened your eyes and you dad smiled at you.

"Hello Y\N." Castiel greeted, softly pulling back your hair back in a soothing way.

"Hi dad. Thank you very much for healing me." You smiled.

"Hey kiddo." Sam said entering the room, sitting beside you and giving you a big bear hug.

"Uncle Sammy!" You smiled and hugged him back.

"I was so scared..." You pouted, and squeezed your dads hand. He nodded and kissed you cheek. "Its ok. It will never happen again my flower."

"Boop." Sam booped you nose to make you laugh, which always got you.

"Special delivery for Y\N!" Dean announced bringing in a plate with your favorite. Pie. You giggled and clapped.

"Thank you daddy!" You said and began to eat it.

He looked down and the smile faded from his face. "I'm so sorry Y\N." He said.

"Its alright daddy. I know you'll always protect me."

"Always." Dean promised.

You smiled and offered all your family a fork full of pie, enjoying this family moment.

Hi! Hope you enjoyed this! I thought it was really cute. I won't be updating too frequently so yeah. Love yous!


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