Castiel Imagine

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Requested by @Shesscertlygorgeous16

Imagine telling castiel you're pregnant (it will be a little short)

Its true that you and Cas were together. You had shared many kind, loving, cute, and yes, sensual moments. Almost every time you had been protected but not all sessions of love had been sober, and Cas didn't fully understand contraceptives and the whole 'no glove no love' expression. After many mornings feeling over tired, nauseous and even throwing up some days you were tired of feeling sick thinking you handsome weird flu so you went to the doctors office, got a check up and some samples taken. 

"And are you regular with menstruation?" your doctor asked tapping away on their computer. You nodded. "I haven't had it yet this month, I'm actually a few days late..." you mumbled looking at your phone tracking app, but then again it wasn't that accurate so it wasn't irregular. They nodded slightly. "Breasts tender, or grown in size?" Your doctor said, you reached up and felt your chest, your breasts were tender and you noticed that they popped out a little more then usual from your bra. "Why are you asking me that exactly?"

your doctor took off their glasses and leaned in the desk. "Y/N, I think you may be pregnant. We'll analyze your samples and call you for the results." they said quite bluntly. Your jaw dropped and you simply nodded, your jaw was left hanging until you got home and reality hit that you'd have to tell Cas. You honestly didn't know how he would react, but there was also a chance that you just weren't up to par and it was a big misconception. Just wait until the doctor calls and it'll all be alright.

So, keeping that thought in your mind you acted fine around Sam and Dean as they returned from a hunt, and cas was still up in angel town so you didn't know if he would come home that night or not. After getting some comfy pjs on and brushing your teeth you were putting away some clothes where you heard a familiar flap of wings behind you. "Y/N." Cas greeted in his regular gravelly tone. You turned around and smiled, wrapping your arms around him. "I didn't think you would be home tonight, its pretty late." You glanced at the clock, it was 1:24 am. "My apologies I got caught up doing some things..." he looked around the room looking quite confused. You tilted your head at his action. "Something wrong?"

Cas just tightened his lips and looked around until his eyes landed on you, he stepped out of your arms and made a full body scan with his eyes, a slight glowing blue tinge to them. "Cas whats wrong?" You said unsurely. 

"Have you eaten a live small life form and not digested it? I seem to pick up a small residual energy along with a potential heartbeat." Cas squinted his eyes and furrowed his brow still trying to understand. 

Your stomach dropped, you felt your cheeks burn, pretty sure Castiel just confirmed what the doctor would have. You were pregnant. 

" I didn't...I didn't eat something, its down here in my womb." You tried to explain, putting a hand on your abdomen just below your navel. "I'm pregnant Cas. We're going to have a baby." 

Cas still looked very confused, but slowly his facial expression eased up and he smiled slightly. "I'm very happy." he stated. That immediately made you smile in relief and take a deep breath. "So you're happy to become a father?" You asked and hugged him tightly as he offered one with open arms. "I'm happy to become anything if its with you Y/N."

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