Dean Imagine

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Imagine being possessed by a demon and sacrificing yourself for Sam and Dean

Throughout the day something felt off. There was always a dark, thick feeling in the air that made you want to always be out of that room.

The feeling started to get stronger and the room started to smell like sulfur, so you immediately called out to the boys, terrified when a black ominous mass started to snake it's way out of the vent. How did it get inside? You thought that all the entrances were demon proof...

"SAM!DEAN! HELP!" You yelled, running towards the closest weapon safe. You didn't have an anti-possession tattoo because it had been burned off in a previous sprawl. The spiralling demon rushed towards you, making its way to you before you could get to the safe. You felt it's hot, thick disgusting smoke fill your mouth and nostrils, making you want to choke and cough, but you couldn't control yourself anymore.

The demon controlled your body now. It cracked your neck, rolling it side to side (not breaking it), and huffed.

"My,my, you're one to keep everything in?" The demon said, it's deep voice echoing through your head.

You yelled constantly for it to get out but the demon just laughed, it's chilling chuckle disturbing you.

"Y/N are you ok?" Sam catches your attention and the demon turns your body around.

"Sam, something is wrong, it smells like sulphur and it just feels..." The demon made you cross and rub your arms together. "Not right."

Sam sniffs the air and nods. Dean runs in with his gun, and the demon explains the same thing.

"SAM DEAN ITS NOT ME!" You yell, but your body doesn't even move, not a word to escape your lips.

"Dean, I'm scared..." The demon said, making you huddle up to Dean. He loosely holds you, and says; "it's alright baby we'll find the problem."

Time goes by and Sam and Dean are constantly looking around while you sit screaming inside your hollow body, fighting to be let out.

"Hey Y/N come in here babe." Dean calls from the kitchen.

The demon springs your body up and walks into the kitchen, where it stops when there's a gun and knife pointed at it, well you.

"You better get out of my girlfriend now or I swear I will hunt you down and drown you in holy water." Dean growls, his lip twitching with anger.

"Dean what the hell? It's me!" The demon cried from your body, then turned to Sam, a look of anger and disgust on his face as well.

Your hands flew up into surrender, and your pupils quickly filled until your entire eye was as black as charcoal.

"Ya got me." The demon chuckled. "Oh no the Winchesters are going to shoot me, ahhhhh!" It said in a goofy voice, waving your hands around.

"Shoot me you shoot this pretty bitch." It snarled. You banged and wiggled inside your body, it's like as if a cast was keeping you in place, and you could get free it you cracked it before it remoulded.

The demon made Dean and Sam fly through the air, dropping their weapons and crashing into the wall and counter.

You screamed and kicked, forcing yourself out of the prison that you were in. Bright light shown through the small whole, and you clawed vigorously until the light enveloped you.

When you opened your eyes, you could move your body, stretch your fingers and move your mouth.

As you were just about to run to Dean you realized the demon was still in you, probably doing the same thing you were seconds before, so you didn't have much time.

There beside you Ruby's knife sat, pointing directly at you as if giving a hint. Your shaky hand wrapped around the handle, and you turned around to Sam and Dean who were struggling to get up.

When you turned to him, a look of fear flushed his face, but when you curved the tip of the knife you yourself, waves of fear and dread covered his face.

"I have to do this Dean." You managed, through a thick lump in your throat.

"No baby, we'll find another way." Dean says balancing himself on the fridge, his voice cracking.

"And what's that Dean? Keeping me in a cell until damage is really done? I can feel it...I, I don't have much time."

Tears sting the corners of your eyes, and Dean's eyes begin to gloss over too.

He tries to get up and walk to you but you feel the demon wriggling around. Your window of time was closing so you had to do what you had to do.

"Stay strong for me batman." A tear slips down your cheek and Dean hiccups with a sob.

"Y/N NO!" Dean yells but it's too late. The plunge of the knife into your diaphragm stings, and brings unbearable pain.

Your breathing halts, then a short gasp gives you all the air you can get.

You drop to your knees, and gasp again. Looking down, your hands and shirt is covered in blood, and you can feel the hot liquid trailing down your stomach.

Another gasp.

Before you fall to the cold linoleum floor Dean catches you in his arms and screams for you. All sound is a blur and your eyelids begin to drift close.

Your chest heaves and you feel a warm drop of liquid hit your cold cheek.

No gasp. No air. No pulse.

Dun dun dun! Should I do a part two? Should I, should I, should I? Comment and vote and I will think about it but hope you enjoyed.


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