Lucifer Imagine

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Imagine fighting with lucifer and running away to TFW seeking shelter

@MarvelSPNFandom this is for you but sorry the proposal part just didn't fit in :(

Angrily you stared at Lucifer who was scowling back at you. You held your stare and and huffed, your face and cheeks red from previous yelling. An annoying burning in your throat made you swallow more then often, and you desperately needed to tie up your hair from how hot you were.

Less then a minute ago you were fighting with him about how he never payed attention to you and that you should just move away. He complied, and fought that you were the one being the bad partner and that he was busy. Of course it was actually him as always, he's a freaking angel for god's sake, how does he not have time.

So done with his childish behaviour you sighed heavily and turned away.

"Where are you going?" He growled. You didn't say anything, just grabbed your coat and a backpack. You put a special sigil necklace on that Castiel made for you that would stop Angels tracking you and headed towards the door. Lucifer yelled your name, but you were already outside and slamming the door shut with a platonic face.

The trek to the bunker was long. You took two trains and a bus before walking a couple miles to nowhere otherwise known as Winchester territory. You had memorized the way because you had worked with them before, many times actually.

You were so weak and tired that you only managed to stumble and face plant into the door. It made a loud enough sound to alert the boys in which the made their way to the door and found you sleeping in the small overpass. You were barely conscious when they carried you in and set you in a bed. It was soft and cold, but as you drifted off again it was like heaven had finally decided to show you some love.

After countless needed hours of sleep, your body stretches out as you stretch out of habit. You go to your attracted bathroom and wash your face and take a shower, the jump into some fresh clothes.

Satisfied, you walk out to the kitchen and put the coffee machine on, then grab a pancake mix out of the cupboard since Sam and Dean are lazy sons of bitches and don't buy anything real. The scent of coffee and pancakes lured the boys out from their layers and into the kitchen where they find you stuffing your face to the high heavens with pancakes.

"Whaht?" You manage, your mouth full.

"Um, we found you practically passed out outside the bunker and now your cramming your pie hole with pancakes?" Dean stated in a crabby kind of way.

"Somebody woke up on the left side of the bed." You say and pass the boys each a coffee, black with two sugars and half and half.

"What Dean went to say was why are you here, shouldn't you be with lucifer or something?" Sam sat down beside you, followed by Dean who began to plop pancakes on his plate and dowse them in maple syrup.

"And to think I was having a good day." You sighed and sunk into the chair. "Lucifer and I had a fight, he was being a total jerk. I was hoping I could stay here for a while."

"So what did you do?" Dean asked, stuffing a new pancake into his face. Sam kicked him in the shin making him grown in pain and choke on his coffee. Sam smiled fakely and tried to suppress his need to punch his brother.
"Sure Y/N no problem, stay as long as you want."

"Thanks Sam." You smiled weakly and continued eating breakfast.

Later in the library you confronted Sam, comfortable that he would understand. "Hey Sam, uh can I talk to you."

He looked up and closed his laptop. "Sure, sit down."

Your jaw tensed and you looked to the floor. "I have no one else to talk to, so can you maybe listen to what happened and tell me what you think?" He nodded in response and propped his chin on his fist.

"Well, it started off when he came home really late. I woke up and told him that he always comes home late and that I'm not an angel and I need sleep. He complied however he said that he was SO busy and that sometimes he didn't have time to do things with me. But what's the point of me being there if he doesn't see me at all! So I told him I would move away and he agreed." You said sadly the scene playing out in your head.

Sam pursed his lips together and thought for a minute. Just as he was about to say something, deans voice rang out through the bunker.

"-you get out of here you son of a bitch!"

Your eyes widened and you ran to the door only to find Lucifer waiting in the living room impatiently. When you stepped into the room his droopy eyes lit up and his posture straightened.

"Y/N!" He exclaimed, reeling in for a hug but you stepped out of it and crossed your arms, not in a mad way but out of discomfort.

"Why are you here?" You ask.

"I'm here to get you." He said in a confused voice. You cringed angrily. "So you're just going to forget about what happened?"

"No..." He sighed. "But I can't stand being away from you, and I feel really bad. I was mad that you were angry with me and yelling at you didn't help it at all. I didn't mean the things I said, really and truly." Lucifer stared at you with his blue eyes. You noticed that there was bags under his eyes and the whites were a slight more pinkish then usual. Making a somewhat quick decision, you sighed and nuzzles into his chest, missing his eternal warmth. He wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back. "I'm sorry." He whispered, his voice hoarse.

"I don't fully forgive you ya know." You groaned against his chest. A deep chuckle filled his chest and made you bounce along with him. Within a second you were back home, the warm air enveloping you like a hug. Since the bunker was underground, it was colder then usual.

Just as you were about to walk away Lucifer gently spun you around and held your body up against him. His breath warmed your neck, and his pupils dilated.

"I'll give you something to forgive me." He whispered against your lips.

Lolololololol I'm dirty as you should know, I love adding sex bombs in there. Pls vote and comment!


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