Dean Imagine

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Imagine Dean teaching you how to shoot a gun (properly)

(Cos you already knew how)

"Alright, slam the gas." You say after slamming the door to the impala and throwing your back in the back. Dean reved the engine and popped the clutch, making baby run smooth and out of the parking lot.

You looked through various music selections, but decided on ACDC. Once the music was on you hummed along to the song, and dean occasionally tapped the steering wheel to the beat, until the chorus came.

You as well as dean burst into song, not caring if you sang out of tune. Dean started to sing wonkily and you laughed not being able to concentrate. He chuckled when you play punched his arm.

You and dean had always had a close bond. Ever since childhood, the bond has grown and even grown farther in your case, since you've developed certain feelings for the witty winchester.

Dean was taking you to the shooting range, since your skills were a little rusty you might as well practice.

When you arrived you went to a booth and took the safety oof, then cocked the gun, shooting 5 rounds immediately.

As the figure board moved closer on the moving conveyer belt, you saw that two shots had hit the stomach area, one shoulder, one off the figure completely, and one in the groin.

"Damn." You muttered under your breath.

"Wouldn't wanna be that guy." Dean smirked pointed at the bullet hole near the groin.

"Shut up, maybe if you piss me off enough it will be you." You grumble and Dean throws his hands up in the air as if surrendering.

You reset the board and took 3 more shots, one hitting the neck, one skimming the temple, and one completely off the board again.

You sighed angrily and heard footsteps behind you.

"Here, lemme show you a better way, not this sideway shenanigan." Dean suggested and softly rubbed your elbows as if to as permission.

You lifted up your arms and he pressed against your back, wrapping his arms around yours and placing his hands on yours, on the gun.

His hands were warm, a slight bit clammy too. His warm flannel rubbed against yours created more wondrous tingly heat, making your stomach flutter. Dean's heavy cologne and after shave invaded your senses and you shiver as his hot, minty breath tickles your neck.

You could say you fit like puzzle pieces.

"Try shooting forwards, and take it slow." His mellow, gruff voice cooed into your ear. His finger wrapped around yours on the trigger and gave a little pressure to encourage you to shoot. As you locked your eyes on the target, you moved your hands forwards and a little left, bringing dean even closer.

You could tell dean was focused on the target too, he moved when you did, he kept his eye on it, he had practically molded to you.

How can i not make this more clear? You fit like puzzle pieces.

(Yes even yo glorious gluttious Maximus)

You pulled the trigger, then heard the shell clatter on the ground. Then you shot another, and another, precisely measuring your moves with Deans.

"That's my girl." Dean whispered, his lips suddenly softly peppering your neck.

"Dean..." You moaned unexpectedly and your hand slowly made its way up his arm, shoulder, and into his sandy hair.

"You smooth son'nm bitch..." You mumbled and turned around in his arms, showing off your blushing face.

"I always knew you had feeling for me." Dean smiled softly and rubbed small circles on your hips.

You smiled back and captured his soft plump lips, kissing Dean passionately,doing what you wanted to do for years.

It seems that you had shot Dean in a way. You had shot him right in the heart, with a bullet that will never leave or come out.

Supernatural Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora