Sam Imagine

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Requested by @AngelicaBeltran7 (again this is personalized)

Imagine sam meeting you in highschool

Angelica sped down the crowded hallways of the place she called hell, avoiding the arrogant seniors and the stupid valley girls.

Only a few more steps and she would've been to class, but suddenly BAM.

Angelica held her forehead and groaned, recovering from the unexpected bump into someone. She heard profuse sorrying and oblieged.

"No, no, i wasn't looking" she paused as she looked up to see a cute, hansome boy picking up hers and his books, still apologising and explaining what happened.

"Its fine really." Angelica smiled and started collecting books aswell. She looked for any other books and went to grab the last book when a warm hand landed on her own, causing her to blush.

"Here you go." She said giving the boy his book.

"Sam." Sam smiled.

"Here you go sam, I'm angelica." The sentence slipping right off of her tongue.

"Angelica" Sam whispered to himself, enjoying the name.

"Well, i better get to class." Angelica said breaking the awkward silence. Sam nodded and thanked her, but then remembered why he bumped into her in the first place.

Sam was new at the school and didn't know where he was going, he was watching the door numbers and not the hallway, then he bumped into angelica.

He quickly turned around before he lost her in the sea of people and called her name.

Angelica turned around, her shiny black hair bobbing and her eyes sparkling in delight. She jogged back over to Sam.


"Do you uh know where english 2 class is?" Sam asked awkwardly, shuffling his feet.

"Hey, I'm heading there right now, just follow me." Angelica smiled and took his hand, guiding him through the wave of annoying, girly, and stereotypical teenagers until they got to English. For most of english, they were still holding hands, listening to the lecture without even knowing it.

Throughout the two weeks Sam was there, him and Angelica grew close, as if they were the bestest of friends. Sam had even stood up and punched a bully for teasing Angelica, and soon both Angelica and Sam were falling hopelessly into highschool honeys.

On the 15th day sam was there, just over two weeks, Sam's father pulled the plug on his fun and announced they were leaving in the next day.

Sam walked up into school and had a normal day, hanging out with angelica but at the end of the day he broke the solemn news.

"Angel." He said using her nickname.

"Yea sammy?" She replied looking into his distressed hazel eyes.

"So um, I've told you that we move around alot because of my dad's job, and sadly we've gotta move again. I'm leaving today, i'm sorry." Sam said putting a hand on angelica's shoulder.

Her heart broke in half, shriveled up and died in a small crevis between the lungs. Thats what she thought at least.

"But Sam." Angelica cooed her eyes tearing up.

"I'm sorry angel." He said looking away to spare him guilt.

"I want you to know that you were the bestest friend i have ever had Sam, you accepted me for me, even if i'm ugly or weird." Angelica said on the verge of crying. Even if it had been two weeks, those were the best two weeks of her life.

Sam put his finger under her chin and brought his lips to hers. Angelica immediately kissed back and a sob escaped her lips. "You're beautiful, you're wonderful, you are amd always will be in my heart." Sam hugged her tight before a familiar honk of the impala broke them apart.

"Bye Angelica." Sam called slowly walking to the door.

"G-goodbye sam, hope to see you again." Angelica managed a smile, a tear slipping down her cheek.

Sam got in and sighed trying not to look back. Dean patted his back and he never got Angelica's beauty and thought out of his mind until her saw her once again.

Aiiiiiiii sorry i made it sadddddd but im evil so you know. Hope you enjoyed peeps. :)


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