Sam Imagine

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Imagine Sam in a djinn dream having his girl friend beg him not to go.

Sam's POV:

My eyes shoot open and I immediately flinch and  grab my head. Slowly realizing I'm no longer in a dirty and rusty abandoned factory with a djinn on my ass I lower my hands and wearily looked around.

I was in a modern decored apartment, and laying on a soft corduroy couch. I sighed and buried my head in my hands, I know this is a djinn dream, I finally got Dean to crack and he told me how it felt and was like at least.

Feet quickly passed along the floor and metal jangled like on a key chain. Before I could react a wet and cold nose stuffed it's way through my hands and into my face.

I chuckled and petted the border collie slobbering me drool.

"Who have we got here? Maggie?" I say admiring the heart shaped dog tags attached to her collar. I pet and swoon her until a tired voice calls me, making me jump.

"I was starting to think that you thought I was the dog." The groggy voice giggled tiredly. I turned around and was met by a beautiful (hair colour) woman with sleepy (eye colour) eyes. She was truly beautiful, my mouth was gaping until I realized I didn't know who she was. From the little clothes she was wearing (shirt and shorts) I'm guessing she is my girlfriend in my dream, but I don't know her name.

"Yeah, just spending time with Maggie." I awkwardly say.

"At 3 in the morning?" Her voice was filled with doubt, but she turned around and yawned. "I'm going back to bed Sam."

I quickly grabbed the nearest magazine and searched for a name. It's addressed to Y/N Y/L/N.

"Y/N..." The name rolled off my tongue, it felt natural, it felt right.

"Sam are you drunk?" Y/N called from the bedroom.

"Yeah uh drunk. I'm drunk, that's what it is..." I stutter. The shuffling ceased and I knew Y/N was in bed.

I guess this would be my perfect life, an amazing girlfriend, a dog, a nice apartment and I'm guessing a good job. This is what it would be like if I wasn't hunting...

My thoughts drift away and my eyes flutter closed.


"Breakfast's ready!" Wakes me up with a jolt. I sigh remembering that this is all a dream. Putting on a mental mask, I happily walk into the kitchen where Y/N was swinging her hips to the morning music on the radio.

"Hey baby." I coo and wrap my arm around her waist. She stretched up and kissed me quickly, but it was like a second in heaven. It caught me by surprise, but her lips were like silk against mine, and they tasted much like sweet strawberry and orange, Y/N's skin was soft to the touch and her body melted against mine.

"That's better. You were messed up last night." Y/N mumbled and set a plate of eggs and toast in front of me when I sat down.

"Yeah, no more purple nurples for me." I half heartedly chuckled thinking of Dean. Dean...Dean! Oh god, I've got to get out of here, I've got to wake myself up...but Dean never told me how.

"Hey babe, how's Dean doing?" I ask, maybe thinking about how he would be in my world.

"Sam." She turned around with a worried look plastered to her face. "Dean passed away ten years ago. Are you sure you're okay?"

No- Dean can't be dead, he's my brother, my world isn't perfect without my brother. I don't want to live without my brother.

That's it. What would you not do in a perfect world.

"Yeah uh I'm okay Y/N." I call out while rushing to the bed room. I fiddle through the closet then open the bedside drawers. Finally I found what I was looking for, a 50 cal hand gun. Everyone has one, and we're no different.

I quickly load it, but the door slams against the wall with ease. 'Shit, did I not lock the door?' I internally scold myself.

"Sam this isn't fun-" Y/N cried but was cut of by me lifting the gun up to my temple with a firm jaw.

"Oh my god, Sam put the gun down." Y/N says calmly, but I can see her colour physically drain. My eyes start to water, even though I've only known Y/N for only a couple hours. I feel like she's more closer to me then Jessica was, I feel like she is the one.

"Y/N, please leave me." I manage. She doesn't move.

"We-" Y/N says softly. "Please Sam you don't have to do this."

"It's not real Y/N. None of this." I explain, though she'll think I'm crazy.

"We'll get the help you need Sam." Y/N pleaded, I could see her eyes getting glossy, a tear slipped from her eye and grazed her cheek before falling to the ground. I lost it by then, I too could feel the droplets escaping my eyes. The lump in my throat bobbed as I swallowed hard before opening my mouth to speak.

"Know that I love you and one day I will find you, and marry you." I cried, my chest heaving.

Y/N sobbed too, her frame diminishing into a wreck. I couldn't bear to see her like this, I don't even know if she's a person in real life, but I will find a way to make her real. I will love her no matter what.

"See you then." I whisper, and hear Y/N scream my name in agony. I clench my eyes as hard as I can and pull the trigger.


The shot echoes in my ears, I don't know how long I heard it but as it fades I hear something else.

"-AM! SAM!" Dean violently shakes me awake, I try to stop him but I'm too weak to even lift my arm.

"De-Dean." I slur, my vision blurry. I don't know if it was from blood loss, or the tears I still felt staining my cheeks.

But I know that as soon as I recover I will find Y/N, and love her until the day I die.

I tried my best with little time because I will be busy for the next couple of days so I tried to get yours out ASAP @ErinSwann so I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment, thank you!


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