Sam Imagine

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For @_itsmartu_
Imagine Sam acting childish because of a spell

You unlocked the bunker door and pushed it open with your foot since your arms were full with bags of groceries and supplies. The door shut behind you, and you started down the stairs. After unpacking everything and cleaning the kitchen *since some people didn't know how* you sat down and sighed tiredly.

Just as your eyes drifted closed, they shot open you could feel hot breathing on your face and neck. Sam was on top you, looking worried. Shocked from the sudden scare your head shot up and collided with his, making him double on to the ground it pain.

"What the heck Sam!" You went down to his level to see if he was okay. When he looked back to you his face shrivelled and he began to cry.

"Sam are you drunk?" You hissed, angry that 1 you were mad that he was drunk, and 2 he was on top of you for some odd reason. He just looked at you like he didn't know what being 'drunk' was and wailed even louder. Panicked, you shot to the freezer, got and ice pack and wrapped it in a towel, then pressed it to the sobbing Sam's forehead.

"Is that better?" You asked frantically, and his crying slowly ceased. "Yeah that's better." You said to reassured ourself more then Sam. But then it hit you, your inner Y/N said: what the hell Y/N, Sam never acts like this, that's what a 3 year old would do, not a 30 year old.

Sam's whiny voice caught your attention once again. "I want sippy cup!" He said, his eye brows shaped into a plea. "Sippy cup?" Rolled off your tongue and your mind went into over drive. He whimpered again and you shot to the kitchen trying desperately not to make him cry again.

"Okay, sippy cup sippy cup." You say to yourself as you looked through the cupboards remembering that the bunker once housed a baby. After finding the damn sippy cup you washed it and filled it with juice, then ran it to Sam.

Your voice was unsteady as you asked; "Sam, h-how old are you?"

He giggled stupidly and held up three on his fingers. In horror you ran to deans room and kicked down the door. You explained everything, and even showed Dean Sam's weird behaviour when he didn't believe you. He frowned and assigned you daycare while he researched. So, you went to take care of a four year old in a thirty year old.

"Hey Sammy!" you smiled making him giggle. "Guess what we're gonna do?" You asked in a fake excited voice. His eyes lit up and he bounced happily. "What! What!" Sam bounced with joy. "We're watching treehouse! Look, the backyardigans, Max and Ruby, *gasp* look! Sesame Street!" You turned on the TV and watched shows with Sam for a couple hours. He would repeat and sing, it was so weird to have Sam act like this. Sam started to get more calm and collected, but out of the blue his stomach growled loudly and he looked at you. "Hungies!" He exclaimed and held his stomach.

For a minute you just sat there and thought about what you would cook, but one of your favorite kid dishes was in the cupboard, and you knew at that point it was the perfect thing. Mac'n cheese.

You guided Sam into the kitchen and sat him down. While he was watching tv you had snuck away and found some toys hidden in a room, so you grabbed a hot wheels toy car out of your pocket and gave it to him. While boiling water and listening to Sam make sound effects to him driving the little car around you made the mac'n cheese and ate dinner with him.

Sam yawned sheepishly after eating dinner and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.

"You tired Sammy-poo?" You asked and rubbed his back. He nodded and you helped him up the stairs. You washed his face with a warm wash cloth and helped him into his pyjamas. After pulling the blankets up to his chin and thinking of some happy bed time story, Sam's eyes drooped closed. Just as you were about to tip toe out of the room Sam hooked his arm around your neck and pulled you onto the bed with his moose strength.

After the whole fight to get away, it ended up that Sam was spooning you and his arm was hooked just under your boobs. You blushed and tried to wiggle out while mumbling incoherent reasons for Sam to let go. He just squeezed tighter and pulled you back, nuzzling his face into your hair.

"No, my teddy." Sam mumbled drowsily.

"No, no no no no no. I'm not teddy!" You whispered harshly as one of his hands cupped your breast. Inside you were dying of humiliation since Sam was and always has been your crush, and two your face was probably beet red. The only good thing was that it was dark in the room.

Just as that thought ran through your mind the door creaked open and Dean came in with the laptop. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw this and started laughing so hard that it was the weird silent one where he's just slapping his knees and stomach in a fit of laughter. Your face felt like it was on fire and you stared angrily at Dean as he slid his phone out of his pocket.

"I swear Dean Winchester if you take one picture of this then I will rip your balls off and shove them down your throat." You whisper-yelled through gritted teeth. He snapped to pictures with a smug smirk on his face and walked out chuckling slyly.

You growled in anger, the that slowly simmered down as you were alone with Sam again. Willing to accept the fact that you weren't getting out of Sam's hold, you sunk into the pillow and let Sam's presence carry you away to a peaceful and much needed sleep.

Hey everyone, hope you enjoyed and please vote and comment! Just saying that things are going a bit slower then I intended them to be but I promise that part 2's and requests will be out sooner or later.


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