Lucifer Imagine

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Imagine Lucifer bugging you when you're trying to study

You had separated from the Winchesters for a while, you wanted to finish university and get a degree, then try to manage a somewhat normal life all while still hunting every once and a while.

After meeting the devil, you had to get away. It turns out you somehow developed feelings for an angel that wants to blow up half the world. It was wrong and terrible of you to even think that way, loving someone who hates your kind. But what if luci was just mad, what if he could change his mind if he could find one person who could change his whole perspective. What if that person was you?

No, no, no. See, there goes your mind again, making up stupid 'what if' or 'but' statements.

So here you were, in your small apartment eating mac'n cheese while studying for two exams, and one final.

"Y\N." A voice echoed, loud but low. It was familiar, but couldn't quite be placed.

You spun around and looked everywhere in the room to see nothing. Your heart rate increased as you flicked on your phones flashlight and searched everywhere in your apartment with a kitchen knife in hand only to end up with zilch.

As you were going back to your computer desk, your chair was spinning rapidly as if someone was just spinning on it. You wearily stopped it and looked around again, before sitting down and taking a spoonful of mac'n cheese.

Just as you were about to spoon it into your mouth a piece fell off, and when you went to pick it up it wasn't a piece of cheesy pasta, it was a wriggling maggot. In horror you looked to your spoon and bowl and saw that all of it had turned to gross yellow wriggling maggots. Carefully you dumped the spoonful and bowl into the garbage without gagging.

Now how the hell did that happen? You asked yourself while walking back to your desk, holding your aching stomach.

"Hia Y\N." You spun around and saw none other then Lucifer, the angel that probably, maybe wanted to kill you.

You flinched backwards and ran, practically sprinted to get any sort of weapon even if it didn't work. A force dragged you and forced you to sit on the couch, making you frozen in place as the angel stalked forward to you.

"What a warm welcome." He chuckled and plopped down beside you, swinging an arm around your shoulders and sighing.

"Wanna play a game?" He asked looking at you. "It'll be fun." He said in a sing-song voice.

You shook your head and gulped, cringing and waiting for his reaction. Instead he pouted and disappeared in the blink of your eye.

The pressure holding your body let up and you got back up wearily. After half an hour of no activity you went back to studying.

"Please." Lucifer put his hands on your shoulders making you practically jump onto the sealing.

"Oh gosh!" You said, putting a hand over your heart. "No! What the heck!"

"But whyyyyyyyy." Luci whined, laying on your desk.

"No lucifer! I don't care if you're an angel, get out of my apartment!" You said getting annoyed.

"But studying is boring! Who needs work." He questioned, shrugging and smiling softly. The smile melted you, it made you want to melt down into a puddle it was so cute.

"Lucifer go away." You said and went back to studying.

The book and binders you had open disappeared, making you sigh and turn to the angel trying to contain his laughter.

"This isn't time for fun and games! Gimme my stuff back!" You grumbled, starting to get pissed off.

"But I already know all this stuff."

"Well I don't! So gimme them back."

"Say please."

Reluctantly you said please, but nothing happened.


"Alright alright, I'll give you your pesky human books if you will accompany me tonight."

"What? Well, fine whatever!" You said confused. Your stuff appeared back on your desk but the next second you were in a (fav colour) knee low dress that fit right in all the right places. You gasped and looked back at the Lucifer that had his jaw slightly agape, taking in all your beauty, or most commonly known as checking you out.

"L-lucifer? What are you-what are we doing?" You stuttered, amazed and confused as to what this angel was doing.

"Going on a date!" He said excitedly and took your hand in his, you accepting his passion and romance.

Hope you enjoyed! I love lucifer and for @squirrel_moose_wings I hope you enjoyed. Please vote and comment and hope everyone is doing alright. :)


Supernatural Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora