Winchesters Imagine

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Imagine the Winchester brothers stopping the car and calming you when you have a panic attack

You gripped the door of the impala like it was your lifeline. It felt like the walls were closing in, the seats were waves upon a sea, and every swirve, or turn would be your last.

Earlier, you had been on a hunt. You, Sam and Dean were hunting a werewolf and came face to face with it. While running through the forest, you had gotten a couple cuts and the blood attracted it to you. You tripped and it was above you in seconds, its drooling jaws just inches away from your face.

Dean managed to shoot and kill the werewolf just in time, before it would've snapped your head off. Ever since you got in the car your mind has been spinning, amd the images replaying in your head. Of course, you had anxiety when you were a kid, but right now it came back and its hitting hard.

You can no longer open your eyes, they seemed to be glued shut and made you panic more. Your lungs were slowly crushing you, it felt like the most terrible pain you have had in your life so far. You weren't getting enough oxygen, making you quietly gasp for air, trying not to grab attention.

Your heart was in your ears, beating so fast you thought you were going to die. A single, sudden bump scared you so bad that you nearly jumped out of the car.

Now you were done hiding it. You started to hyperventilate and thats when the boys finally noticed.

"Y\N, are you ok?" Sam said, worry clear as day in your voice.

You started to shake uncontrollably now and only a choked sob\cough escaped your lips.

"Y\N?!" Dean yelled looking in the rear view mirror to see your terrible state. He immediately pulled over and both boys got out and rushed in beside you. Dean slung and arm around your shoulder and pulled you close to him to warm you up and stop your shaking. Sam took both of your hands into his warm, soft ones and started to talk to you.

"Y\N, listen to me, listen to my voice." He paused and you managed a nod. "You're ok, you're safe now. Dean and I are here for you, its ok." He kept repeating sweet nothings and things that reassured or comforted you and you eventually calmed down. Throughout the time Sam was talking to you dean had rubbed your arms and waist in a soothing manner while the heat radiating off his chest warmed your back, and his breath warmed your neck.

Your heart rate and breathing was back to normal, and you were just relaxing now with the two people who could really make you happy.

Dean was replaced by Sam, who cuddled up to you the same way dean did, and kept you warm while you slowly drifted off to the sounds of Sam's sweet, velvetly voice and soft rock music.

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