Mini Series Imagines p.2

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Imagine Cas finding out the reader is lesbian

Cas' POV:

Everyone has a happiness, a heaven. Personally my favourite is an autistic mans heaven who drowned in a bathtub. It's quite peaceful. That's my happiness. Peace.

Though peace was far from what I was dealing with, Sam and Dean Winchester had become my priority lately. With defying my orders from heaven and my brothers and sisters hunting me down I've come to enjoy the company of them and their friend that accompanies them as well. Y/N Y/L/N. Quite a corrupted woman, I suppose she found sympathy with them.

"Dear castiel who thou art in heaven, if you are get your feathery ass down here because we need you to check somethin' out."

Deans voice distracted me from my thoughts. I frowned and sighed, within seconds I was in front of Dean, mere inches away. Dean looked taken aback. "Cas, we've talked about this. Personal space." My eyes scanned deans expression and I nodded my head and took a step back. He did as well.

"So Cas, we're on a case and it's something we've never seen before-" Sam addressed me but I stopped hearing his words, all I could do was observe his hand jestures and lips moving. I didn't bother to listen, for some reason I was too focused on 'happiness'.

"What makes you happy?" I interrupted Sam. I tore my gaze from Sam to look at Dean.

"Were you even listening to-" Sam seemed quite annoyed when I interrupted his speech again.

"What makes you happy Dean?"

"Why are you asking this Cas?" Dean gave me a questionable look. My face stayed platonic. "Well uh...I like a cold beer and a calm night under the stars." He replied after a short while of thinking. I nodded and turned to Sam. "And you Sam?"

Sam frowned slightly as he thought. He still seemed fed up. "I like it when people listen to m-"

"And what about you Y/N?" I turned around to her, she was sitting on a motel bed, her (h/c) hair fluffed out in a messy way.

"Oh uh-well my girlfriend. She makes me happy."

"Girlfriend?" I repeated, I didn't understand what she was telling me. She was clearly female so why would she have a female partner?

Deans hand clasped my shoulder and leaned in a bit closer to me. "She's lesbian Cas, likes chicks instead of dudes."

I furrowed my brow but nodded.

"He's not going to smite me or anything because I don't follow the rules of the bible right?" Y/N stood up and frowned, she seemed to suddenly fear me.

"I will not harm you. If she is your happiness then she serves a great purpose. Everyone deserves happiness." I stated and the fear that was strewn on her face dissipated rather quickly. A silence fell in the room until I spoke again.

"Where is your girlfriend now?"

Y/N was silent, it took her a while to speak after she swallowed hard.

"In heaven now I hope. She was my happiness...still is and always will be."

Request for @TheMoonsBestFriend
Angel! Reader X human!Gabriel

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