Dean Imagine

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Imagine sending Dean messages that you like him and he gets mad at you

For TherealMVW

(Btw again I am so sorry [~.~])

Recently you had chat with Sam about Dean. He had always had a suspicion that you liked Dean, and of course his moose senses were tingling when you had a total crush blush when Dean had to change his blood stained shirt. He pulled you a side and had a real talk with you while Dean headed to the bar across the motel.

"Psssssshhhhhh, what no. I- no. I don't like Dean that much." You tried to be awkward and funny to make it like a joke. Sam stayed serious but cracked a small sad smile as if you were a pity party on wheels.

"You've gotta tell him Y/N."


"Why not?"

"Because!" You whined loudly, giving up your wall of protection. "Dean only likes hot bitches and one night stands!" Sam chuckled half heartedly and looked at you with doubt in his expression. "You don't know that. You don't know my brother like I do."

"Yeah, whatever Sam. You're just saying that to make me feel better." You sighed, and plopped down on the bed. Your hands cradled your pounding head and a lump in your throat started started to develop.

Footsteps shuffled towards you and Sam lifted your chin with his thumb and forefinger so your glossy eyes would meet his hazel ones. "All I'm saying is to try to communicate with him. It doesn't mean talking to him, maybe leave him a message, like a code." Sam said. He was ultimately suggesting you send him love notes, which was something you did in kindergarten, not when you're 20!

But after many protests, you wrote and drew Egyptian hieroglyphics forming the words 'I love you'. Before Dean came back from the bar you securely fastened it under the windshield wipers on the impala. You snuck into your own cruddy motel room and slipped into bed, hoping when you'd wake up it would just be some silly thing he would laugh about.

Turns out it wasn't.

"What the hell is this?!" Dean waved the paper in both yours and Sam's faces, with a serious look on his face. You played your cards and acted like you were just as confused as he was.

"I don't know! Maybe some drunk historian's date ding-dong ditched him and he randomly put that note there." You shrugged.

He still had a skeptical look on his face, but he crumpled it up and threw it away, then climbed into the impala and jammed to tunes on a cassette tape like nothing had happened. Internally you felt defeated, like he had just crumpled your heart up and threw it away. Like he didn't care about it, like he didn't care about you.

Never the less, you tried again and again, making up email accounts and blocked numbers to text him the three words- I love you -in different languages and codes. Every single time he would get angrier and angrier, almost to the point of yelling at you or Sam to quit it. The last one pissed him off really hard, he stormed in to the bunker's kitchen were you were drinking a coffee. His face was an off-red, and he was only in a t-shirt and boxers.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, DON'T GIVE ME THE 'I DON'T KNOW' CRAP 'CAUSE I'M DONE!" He yelled and practically whipped the phone at you. You turned over the screen and it was an text saying "Je t'aime." It said I love you in French, which you had written. It broke your heart to think that it bugged him so much just for saying 'i love you'.

"Yeah." Your voice was weak as you threw the phone onto the table and stood up.

"It was me, so what."

"What do you mean so what?! You almost drove me to the point of insanity with your stupid game!" Deans voice shook the ground. His fists were clenched and his teeth seemed to be glued together.

"You think it was a game Dean? You think that I would send all different codes and languages of three simple words would be a game? You really don't catch on do you." You growled. Your hair covered your glossy eyes and quivering chin. Dean stayed silent, a mixture of confusion and anger coating his face.

"God! It's like talk to a brick wall...they all said I Love you Dean. And they were all true."

What seemed like a eternal silence broke. "What?" Dean questioned.

You sighed sadly and shook your head, walking out of the kitchen, down the hall and into your room. After locking the door you crawled under your bed and began deleting all the messages that you sent Dean while softly weeping.

About 20 minutes later a banging began on your door.

"Y/N, Y/N open the door." Deans voice called after he tried the handle. You stayed silent.

"I need to talk to you!" Dean pleaded.

"It's alright dean, I'm leaving tomorrow, you won't see me again, you can just forget about everything. Forget about me." Your broken voice responded, making Dean jiggle the lock even more. After a minute you heard the door creak open, that son of a birch must've picked your lock. His feet padded along the dark oak floor, and stopped at your bed. You held your breath as he sat on the bed and sighed.

"Look where ever you are I just want you to listen. I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay with me and Sammy. Well me." He paused for a couple seconds then continued. "I got mad because I thought you were doing it as a joke, but I didn't think that saying you love someone was a joke. Especially because I like you. I thought that you were pulling my leg, but now I know that you weren't I want to tell you that I like you too. Well- I...I love you."

You smiled as a tear slipped down your cheek. You wiped it away making a small sound when you shifted.

"Gotcha!" Dean chuckled manically and quickly dragged you out from under the bed in one swift move. You squealed in surprise but was silenced when deans lips collided with yours. The kiss was sweet and slow but quickly turned passionate and lustful. His hand supported your lower back while you scootched into his lap. His other hand raked through your hair and yours were tangled around his shoulders.

Both breathing heavily you separated, looking into each others eyes.

"Is that what you always do when you find someone?" You smiled and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"No, you're special." He smiled, and captured your lips with his again.

Just saying that this was a rough draft, I just wanted to get it out ASAP so sorry if there were any mistakes. Please vote and comment and have a happy Easter!


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