Sister!Angel Imagine

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For @Opal15

Imagine brotherly archangel fluff when sister!angel is fledging

"Where's my favourite sister?" Lucifer called looking around her little slice of heaven as they would call it, her room. She was no where to be found though, her room empty and quiet.

"Gabriel has taken her back down to earth again brother, he's trying to teach her to fly again." Michael hummed as he walked in hearing his brother searching around for her.

"Without me? I'm going to kill that little puke pronto." Lucifer groaned, within a millisecond he was down to earth having located her presence, landing almost silently beside a large maple tree that was nearing an edge of a large cliff. Most likely Gabriel had picked a spot of the English coast, for beautiful scenery but also good cliff structure and height.

"Gabe I can't do it!" Y/N whined sadly, she was much younger than the brothers, she was the last angel to be created by their father and for some reason she came out an archangel. But the problem was that she was having a hard time learning to fly. If anything it should be as easy as 1 2 3 but she just wasn't getting it.

"Not with that attitude you can't." Gabriel rolled his eyes and took a lollipop out of his mouth, a bright red one at that. "Heads up buttercup lets go one more time."

Y/N sighed and nodded, she looked determined straight ahead and clenched her fists, now squinting hard as she held her breath, her face turning a shade similar to Gabriel's lollipop before she gave up again with a big gasp of air and fell back into the tall grass that lined the cliff. "I'm never going to get it!" Y/N grumbled and sighed softly. "I want to make Lucifer and Michael proud! I wanted to learn how to fly today!"

Gabriel eyed Lucifer from the corner of his eye acknowledging him, of course Gabriel knew he was there but Y/N had not yet acquired all of her senses yet either, so she didn't really know lucifer was there.

"Hey, you make me proud every day! You make me proud to be your big brother!" Lucifer walked up to his sister lightly patting her head with a soft smile.

Y/N blushed in embarrassment that he had heard but nodded "Really Lucifer?" She looked up to him with big hopeful eyes.

"Of course lil sis." He smirked ruffling her hair to which she whined, trying to sway his hand away.

"Come on, I wanna take you somewhere. A little field trip." Lucifer held out his hand for her to get up, she gladly took it not expecting to be gone the moment she properly stood.

Yelping she gripped her brother until the fast motion they were caught in stopped, rather quickly at that.

"Open your eyes." Lucifer said softly, now holding her just by the hand.

When Y/N did, she gasped at the beautiful sight, she was looking down at the earth in literal space, the sight so amazing it almost brought tears to her eyes. White clouds swirled around the blue seas and multicoloured landforms, the world seemed motionless yet it wasn't, she could feel the slightest movement of it like she was a part of it, the rotation on its axis like she was still on earth, imagining her feet would touch the ground and stay there forever, turning with the world. The sight was similar to an artist's style that would come much later in time, Picasso.

"It's so beautiful..." Y/N said softly, her eyes still taking in the sight before her.

"You love Earth so much so you should see every aspect of it." Lucifer smiled watching his sister, he loved to see pure joy on her face, it would make him upset if he ever saw a frown on her face so he always tried his best to keep her happy.

Y/N stared at the earth for hours like this, floating in space holding her older brothers hand. Angels don't need oxygen so really they were still functioning perfectly fine.

"Take me down again please." Y/N said finally turning to her brother. He nodded bringing her closer to him and flashing back down to earth. Quickly she sprinted to the edge of the cliff again, closing her eyes. "I want to see the earth." She whispered to herself "I want to see the earth." She repeated, when she opened her eyes she was once again in space, having made it on her own though. Overjoyed and proud of herself she soared among the stars, being nicknamed the angel of stars because she was there so often.

Gabriel and Lucifer looked up to the sky smiling softly to themselves, watching the single star shoot across it, the brightest and kindest one of them all.

Hi everyone! So I was tagged again, so I'll put this little section as my tag response. Thanks MissTrekkie1993

1. Do you like someone?
Yes I love someone, my gf but I also like a few others. *cough cough celebs and one hot teacher*

2. Do they like you?
I would hope my gf does, hehe. That teacher says I'm an outstanding student though 😱.

3. Middle name?
I have 2. Olivia - Mattea.

4. Single or taken?
Taken. 👌🏻

5. Last person you texted?
Depends, actual texting is my dad, messaging was my gf.

6. Last song you listened to?
Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles

7. Battery percentage?
96%. (What kind of a stupid question is this?? )

8. Best girlfriends?
People you don't know, they're names are Katie, Valentina and Rizza.

9. Best guy friends?

I don't talk to that many guys so I'd say my brother and an awesome guy at my school named Tony.

10. Favourite OTP?
JOHNLOCK. Then we go to Destiel, then Sabriel.

11. Why did you make your account?
I always had wacky ideas for shows that I watched and wanted to share them, unfortunately I was really bad at writing when I started the account o-o. Now I'm trying to fix mistakes so don't kill me! But also another thank you to everyone who supports me. Love you Cinners ❤️

12. Current lock screen?

 Current lock screen?

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13. Current home screen?

 Current home screen?

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14. Birthday?
August 17th, 2001.

That's all! I tag
FantasiesAReality AngelicaBeltran7 JelloZangela

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