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Amanda's P.O.V.

It feels like the skies had fallen just when I heard what Xerxes said, he knows it... and he's not going to ever let this go, he'll take me and Ethan to rule over the pack... this is bad...

I couldn't talk nor do anything, I can sense my sister thinking and was about to push me behind her as she heldy hand tightly but another pair of arms clung around my waist and roughly grabbed me away from my sister

I felt sparks...

Chocking a sob I realized who this person was, I tried to release myself from his grasp but it made me cry more the moment his hand came to caress my tummy... Tears escaped without me knowing... It pained me to realize that Ethan might never come back... That he might not have the chance to hold my tummy, to feel our child's kick, to hear his heartbeat... Or to even witness his birth...

"Chantal, help me please!" I cried as there behind me, is my mate with red blood shot eyes...

The sparks were there... But the warmth and love he had given me wasn't present... It was gone... And I felt so scared...

He was the one who promised me that he'll protect me no matter what, that he'll always be there to rescue me when I'm in danger, that he will chase away all those fears I have and that I shouldn't be scared because he's with me... But right now, it was him whom I'm scared off...

I watched my sister as she slowly turned to Xerxes who I'm sure was the one who did this again, a tear slowly ran down her eye as she kept her son safe in her arms. I know how hard this might be for her, but no one knows how she can defeat Xerxes... We have no powers and we could easily be killed as well... The only thing Xerxes needs me is because I have the child he wanted, once my child is out he'll kill me and Ethan will be no use as well...

"Thought I couldn't manipulate him again? Take her away here Ethan, I'm going to reign over this whole pack." Followed by a loud laughter which made Caden flinch...

Ethan pulled me away harshly, gripping my forearm, almost digging his nails in my flesh. I cried in pain and tried to get away from his grip, I kicked his leg from behind and he momentarily let me go, I ran for my life thinking that I needed to escape him... I have to escape my mate so I could save my son...

For a moment I turned around, hoping that Ethan wouldn't be there, that he wouldn't follow me, I looked everywhere but I didn't him trailing behind me. I turned around only to realize that Ethan was now standing before me, I bumped into his strong and broad chest which made him push be on the trunk of the tree.

I let out a loud cry as my eyes met the same red piercing eyes I saw whenever Ethan's vampire side is on edge but those bright red eyes were now dull... Making me realize that this isn't really my Ethan...

"Ethan please" He leaned towards me as he kept me caged between his arms and the trunk behind me, I was breathing heavily with my hands on my belly, hoping to at least protect him for a while even if I know that it'd be no use...

"Please I know you're still in there, please fight for me, fight for us... Fight for our child Ethan"

"You really are making a fool of yourself aren't you? What made you think that I am not the 'Ethan' you love?" The man before me spoke, he was laughing and making fun of my vulnerability

"Because the Ethan I love won't place me nor our child in danger, because the Ethan I love would always choose to fight to protect us. He chose to fight even if there's no chance of winning, he's willing to fight just for me, just for me too realize that he loves me and that I am worth it of every pain he feels"

"How did you even know that Ethan is in love with you? You might be his mate but that doesn't mean he loves you, he might've planted that sperm on your ovary but the doesn't mean he loves you. So tell me, what king of assurance did he do for you to keep reminding yourself that he loves you?"

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