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Amanda's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes, knowing that I couldn't sleep anymore, I could feel both Haera and Maxine's thoughts in my head. No matter I much force myself to fall asleep, since I can always hear the thoughts of the two, I couldn't sleep. So instead of just wasting my time in trying so hard to put myself to sleep, I should just wake up and ask the both of them on why they're acting like this.

"Haera? Are you awake? What's happening?" I asked as I sat on the edge of the bed, my head is hurting as Maxine and Haera's thoughts flashed in my mind at the same time, I couldn't understand even just one single bit of their thoughts.

"I can feel our mate Amanda, he's here in the pack house"... Ethan is in the pack house? I looked at the time on my digital clock and noticed that it's already 2 in the morning, the usual time when Ethan escapes and no one knows how on earth he's able to do that.

"Are you sure? But this is the time he usually leaves"

Minseok and Sehun are now working together to figure out how Ethan was able to escape the room when the doors and windows, any possible opening is laced with silver and wolvesbane. They decided to place CCTV cameras in each corner, hoping that well be able to figure out and see how he's able to do that but the next day, the footage was destroyed, the moment Ethan woke up and his eyes turned red, the film got currupted and then it got back but Ethan was already no where to be found.

"I can feel him Amanda, he's here and I can also feel him calling us, I can feel Xavier calling out to me" Haera convinced me... But there's just something wrong... I can't pin point it out but this doesn't feel right.

"Me either, Amanda, we have to find him and come to him" Maxine also pleaded, I shooked my head as it started to hurt again, whenever the both of them talk to me at the same time my head will hurt it I will faint. I asked Minseok about this and he told me that it's because of fatigue, I should sleep according to him but how when all that's happening to me is this?

"Something's wrong with Ethan, we shouldn't believe him as soon as possible as he might only be tricking us, we don't know who Ethan truly is"

"But our mate is calling for us, we should come to him" Haera detested, I don't want to believe him... No... There's something wrong...

"Believe in him Amanda, he's not going to hurt us, he'll be there to protect us" Maxine added, I stood up from the bed and started walking around in circles, walking around as I started to think deeper in this situation I have.

This is the first time we could feel Ethan here, he leaves at this hour but he's still here and it turned out that I was awake... I can use this time to ask Ethan about what's happening to him, maybe he'll be able to answer me if I do so... Yeah, that's right, I have to do this for Ethan, so we can find a cure for him as much as possible so that my mate could finally come back to me.

"Okay, but we have to contact the Luna and the alpha, alarm everyone about Ethan's current state now"

The two did their job as I blocked the both of them first, I slowly creeped towards the hallway but I noticed that something is odd, the hallway is dark, very dark. There were almost no light from the lamps placed on the walls, it's like I'm walking inside a horror house and it also gives off the vibe that you're just alone in the whole house. I walked closer towards Ethan's room and whenever I took another step closer, I feel colder and colder, but I disregarded everything and slolwy held the door knob but before anything could happen Maxine and Haera appeared inside my head again.

"Amanda, I can't seem to contact anyone here, they're all unresponsive but I can still feel their presence inside the pack house"

What? Maxine sounded confused and so am I, even Haera second the motion and told me the same thing, this can't be, if I walk away from Ethan's room then he might escape, but if I won't then I wouldn't be able to check if the Luna and the Alpha is safe or not.

"Try to reach them again" I ordered them and the two did the same thing just like earlier, I took my hand away from the door knob and decided to knock on the door first, I have to check if Ethan is inside or not.

"Ethan? Are you here?"

There was no answer, I put my hand in the door knob and slowly twisted it open, surprising me the moment the door opened so easily...

"It's not locked"

I disregarded everything and started to walk inside the room, the room was exceptionally cold, like you're surrounded by 10 aircons that's fixed with -10 degrees. The room looked like no one stayed here for even a few minutes, the room looked so tidy and clean like a newly renovated room, the curtains are like flying as the air from outside and inside the room smashes with it. But what made me feel scared is the moment I realized that Ethan was no where to be found...

"Ethan? It's me Amanda, where are you?"

I walked feeling inside the room but stopped when I suddenly felt like someone is watching me from behind, slowly I looked over my shoulder but stopped when I felt a presence slowly walking behind me... Ethan...

"Hello my love"

A shiver run down my spine as I felt a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist, caressing it as warmth filled me, pulling me closer to a broad but cold chest. My heart started pouring in worry as I knew who this man behind me is, his lips was dangerously placed near my ear as he started nibbling on my neck and also started to caress my hand and up to my arm. My knees were shaking as I slowly looked up and met a pair of blazing red eyes...

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