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Amanda's P.O.V

I walked around my room in circles as I was feeling deeply disturbed on what Blake and Chantal unnie will do now that they have a hint on what our parents have instore for them especially I know someone might really be reckless, like Blake who showed great anger and distress, he doesn't know how to control his anger.

"You feel good? You looked so stressed Amanda" I looked at the door and saw Ethan slowly closing and locking the door, I told him not to visit me in times when it's very obvious to our parents or our siblings.

"Well who wouldn't feel so stressed? Everyone is almost fighting just because of Blake's almost rejection to Chantal, they can't reject each other even if they want to"

Because if they do than maybe this whole divine realms of immortal creatures will vanish and will never be seen again, once the prophecy will then get broken or will change, then there might be hope for us but if fate really wants the two powerful wolves in our family to be together... I think this means chaos and war...

"Amanda calm down, nothing good will bring us if everyone will panic and get stressed. It's Blake and Chantal's problem so we shouldn't interfee on whatever they have" He walked closer to me and rubbed small circles on my shoulder and arm.

I completely understand what Ethan means, he just doesn't want me to get stressed over something that I am not involved in.I'm not the main topic nor have the main problem but with the way I'm acting I guess I really am having a hard time here.

"We shouldn't just sit still here Ethan, once the prophecy is unfollowed, the whole immortal realm will collapse and we will be gone. Chantal still might not know it but she and Blake should always be careful, they can't reject each other or death will follow us"

"Do you really believe what the prophecy says? Maybe it's just a dream your mother had and she accidentally mistook it as a prophecy" Ethan spoke as I shooked my head, impossible, such thing can't happen...

"No, my mom is a vampire Ethan. Vampire don't have dreams because they can't sleep completely well, dad just gave mom numerous potions so she can rest and sleep just like us. Can't you understand Ethan?"

Even if we, my sisters and I except for Chantal unnie are hybrids, we can still classify ourselves if we're vampires or wolves depending in our most dominant gene. For me, I am a half vampire and half wolf but my dominant gene is vampire so I don't really turn to my wolf form unless it's necessary.

"I do Amanda, but don't you think putting your nose to someone else's business is already too much? Our parents already told us that they're all going to find a way to make Chantal and Blake together despite of their stubborness to be together" He inched closer to me and pulled me into a hug, our hearts are beating together in rhythm as if we're one and as I melted in his arms.

"Calm down okay? Let's just sleep and have a rest, I don't want you to get so stressed like this, don't worry I'm sure our parents would immediately find a way to fix this problem" I nod my head listening to his advice as we then both moved to the bed and lied side by side, I placed my head on his chest.

"Hmm, I'm not the one who's having that problem but I the one who's stressing out, I know Chantal unnie is having a hard time right now and is suffering from great pain but she's still calm. How on earth can she do that?"

"I love you Amanda" Ethan spoke in the midst of the comfortable and tranquil silence, I raised my head and looked at him weirdly as it doesn't really answer my question.

"What's the connection of that to the question I asked?"

"I just want you to know that I love you so much, even if you're calm or stressed, quiet or noisy. I love you unconditionally" I chuckled and shooked my head in embarrassment as I still not expecting him to tel me those words that fast.

"I love you too, with or without the mate bond, I know in my heart I will still love you" Ethan smiled and gave me a kiss on my forehead as we remained in silence and lied back down.

"Have you already decided if we're going to tell them that we're mates? I badly want to tell everyone here Amanda, I want all my friends and my family that a beautiful person like you is my mate" I held his hand tightly as the same thougths are also running inside my mind.

"Believe me Ethan, I also want to do that but we really have to focus on Chantal and Blake first. We jsut need to solve their problem then we can already announce to everyone that we're mates, all we just need to do is wait for the right time. I hope you can understand"

"Sure, but for now I want to hug you" I gave him his wish as we remained in that position for a long while.

"I'm sorry Ethan, I'm sorry we have to do such thing as keeping our relationship as a secret" I feel so ashamed and embarrassed that we have to hide our relationship, I feel really guilty because we can't act or can be seen together...

"Don't be sorry, as long as you're here with me I'm fine"

"I love you so much Ethan"

"I love you too my princess"

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