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Amanda's P.O.V.

"I don't know what to do to Ethan anymore, I don't think I'll even be able to see him as normal as before"

Well, I'm already in the verge of tears and also crying for help at this moment, I have no idea, any single idea on how to return the old same Ethan I knew in the past. In the mornig he'll act like a normal person, interacting with us and even laughing but when he started to realize that we're all being cautious of him, he locks himself up in his room and even told Sehun and Minseok to chain him up so he wouldn't be able to go. But things turned much more worse, there were times when Ethan disappeared at night and he'll be gone for a day, when he's back... I don't think we'll have any hope...

"Just have faith in yourself Amanda, have faith in Ethan, for sure something is just wrong in his bloodstream or in his vampire self just like Kaiser, he's going to go back to normal I promise" Tiffany unnie spoke, right now my sisters and I, aside from the Luna are gathered at the dinning room while eating for breakfast.

"I really don't hope so, I'll lose my mind if my mate wouldn't return to the real him just like in the past"

It's been months now and yet Ethan is still unpredictable, I have no idea if we even still have hope up till now, even the pack doctors that are very much used in this cases aren't helping us either, they said it's just their first time enountering such problem just like Ethan's case.

"Where's the Luna by the way? Where's Caden and the alpha? It seems like they're both all missing today"

"They just went out for a run, who knows to how hyper and fun our little alpha can be"

I answered with a small smile and heaved a deep sigh right after, no matter how much I tried to disregard everything and tried to think of happy thoughts, all I could ever think of is just worry and worry about Ethan's case. I get affected no matter what I do, no matter how much I tried to conceal it inside, to keep it and to forget everything, he's still my mate, and I know I'll always worry about him.

"Yeah unnie, I hope the best for you and Ethan, I hope everything will be fine" Seohyun spoke as she gently tapped my shoulder, trying to comfort me in moments and times of dispair.

"Amanda! Minseok! Luhan! You have to help me!"

Our senses highted the moment we heard Junmyeon calling for us, all of us used our vampire abilities to teleport to where Junmyeon is. And there, we saw him outside the pack house and looking at the forest distantly, as if he could see something deeper than just the trees covering our way.

"Why? What's happening here Junmyeon? Where's the alpha and the Luna? I heard their voices" Even Sehun and the alpha's brother came... wait, he contacted all of us... which means something bad might've happened and they heard the alpha and luna's voices? How? And why? Where are they?

In a flash Junmyeon turned to his wolf form, a pure black with silver furs on his ear, chest and toes, he has blue eyes just like what the alpha has. He ran as we all followed him, transforming to our wolf forms as well, for sure Junmyeon transformed as he couldn't find nor sense where the alpha and luna is, we have to find them but also needs to be faster than anyone as they might be all in great danger.

We ran deeper to the forest but a certain scene caused everyone to stop on their places as looked at each other in weary, not believing what was the scene infront of us. The alpha looking so lost as our next alpha, Caden lied on he grass, almost lifeless as he passed out, there were some cuts and bruises on his face and body but what made me more nervous is when the moment I realized that someone else is missing.

"Alpha what happened? Where's the luna?" Kyungsoo asked in worry then I noticed the alpha clenching his hand, forming it to a knucle and in any minute now... he's going to explode....what happened here? Where's my sister? The luna?

"Find Chantal, find her no matter what happens!"

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