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Amanda's P.O.V.

"You've marked each other?!"

Everyone exclaimed in happiness and also in shocj as it was pretty evident in their faces, Chantal looked at everyone with our response. She gave Blake a glance and saw him also shocked, I could see the two alphas and lunas shifting uncomfortably as the tension between Blake's eyes and Chantal utteredly surprised faces stared at us.

Well this is bad, this is really bad. Once they both know who and what was the root of this new problem of them, I think everything will turn to a chaos again...

"What?" Chantal asked under her breath as I suddenly looked a bit surprised and all, I stared intently at her and noticed a bluish color like glow glowing on her back... the mark!

I then turned my attention to Blake, who had his shirt hung down a bit lower which made me able to see almost half of his shoulder blades. My eyes widened just when I finally saw a mark glowing in a very deep blue shadow on his shoulder, on the upper part as the same as the one on Chantal unnie's neck. His eyes wondered off at Chantal before Blake's eyes turned soulless black and shifted right infront of us....

He already knows they're mates... they've alreadg completed the bond!

"Blaze!" Alpha Yunho shouted as he immediadely turned in his wolf form and followed his son's scent, my dad follow a minute after. I stared at Chantal unnie who looked really surprised and astound of what she had just learned.  Chantal stared at the two lunas in question but they only shooked their head. Then on that point she started asking herself questions she's impossible to answer.

She then immediately stood up and walked away from us, now she'll do everything just to have all the answers to her questions.

"Chantal" They tried calling her but she immediately pushed them away as they tried to greet her congratulations, something's telling me that she's starting to question each and everyone in her mind if we're somehow related to this mysterious thing that happened today. Chantal unnie immediately ran upstairs and maybe locked herself in her room....

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