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Amanda's P.O.V.

"Amanda, you have to eat for just one spoonful, you can't sleep until you do" Chantal unnie spoke as she sat beside me on my bed as Ethan stood beside her, Al my sisters are gathered here in my room while the boys are all helping the alpha in looking for more possible clues about who those rogues might be.

Ethan has been staying beside me inside my room for 5 straight hours already, I refused to speak after the questioning they made earlier and also refused to eat. Up until now those devil red eyes are still hunting me even if I just close my eyes, I don't want to eat as I wasn't able to digest and have the appettite to eat just because of what happened earlier.

"Amanda you have to listen to your sister, Chantal is right, you have to eat to gain strength you can't go on like this"

"I'm scared Ethan" My lips were trembing and my heart is beating erratically, I have a feeling that I'll have a fever because of shock and scared as well, I also wanted to puke as I'm feeling really drained and very dizzy... If I'll tell this to Ethan and my sisters, they would just try to force me to eat and treat me like a patient.

"And so am I Amanda, I'm scared to lose you so please help me, eat and then I promise I'll always be here to protect you"

No matter how much I force myself... I know I can't... I don't really have the appettite and I won't have it because I was really traumatized, I can't best to experience such thing as that again...

"I don't think I can eat, I don't have the appettite to do so, I'm also very tired"

"Amanda" Luna Chantal's voice hardened, forcing me to listen to her but I stared at her and gave a weak smile, just please, just support me and just believe me for once...

"Just for tonight, please take me to my room, I just want to rest now"

Seohyun held Chantal unnie's shoulder and shooked her head, be heard her mumbling something about letting me have a rest and stop forcing me because I'll just eventually get so frustrated later on, I can feel myself going to have a fever as my body temperature is now that fine...

"We'll go ahead, Amanda needs to have a rest" Tiffany spoke and gave a hug together with Yoon and Sooyoung, they said encouraging words to me and they also told me to have a rest and not think of it more...

"I'll see you both tomorrow, we'll inform you about who those wolves who attacked you are, we might find a lead" Chantal unnie the spoke to Ethan, he nods his head as Chantal patted his shoulder, probably to tell to just be strong.

"Update me anytime"

They told me that they'll leave me alone so that I could have a rest but it still took them 15 minutes before really leaving, physically leaving and not verbally leaving... Anyway Ethan sent them out while I really felt worse, I'm starting to sweat a lot even if the room is very cold... Gosh what the fuck is happening to me...

"Why are you still awake? Go and close your eyes so you can sleep, you have to rest Amanda" He turned his gaze to me and gave me a kiss on my forehead, he'll probably leave me also for tonight but before he could go I held his hand and pulled him back... I feel lonely when he's not here beside me....


"Don't leave me, I'm scared"

Ethan gently smiled and lied down beside me on the space beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist, I rested my head on his chest and slowly closed my eyes.

"There's nothing to be scared of when I'm here with you Amanda, I won't leave your side and we'll always be with you"

"What if they'll come back? What if they're planning to attack again? What will happen to us Ethan?" I'm started to have double thoughts, scary thoughts that made me tremble... I'm sure they're going to come back... I'm sure they're going to find us again and hurt us... But what do they need? Why us? What do they need from us?

"Calm down Amanda, nothing will happen I assure you that, be promise that everything will be fine"

"I want to forget my fear Ethan, I want to forget everything that happened earlier Ethan"

"I'm scared and I want to forget everything"

"Don't leave me please" I started mumbling incohorent things, paniking and also feel very weird... There's something... There's something wrong with me...

"Then I won't leave you, I'll help you forget" Ethan rubbed my arms causing sparks to erupt everywhere in my body... I'm stared directly to Ethan's eyes and his eyes also sparked in recognition... I'm in heat...

Heat is what we call when a she wolf's body suddenly began to feel really hot and feel symptoms like you are in a fever, this usually happens when the she wolf is still not mated by her mate, her scent will become stronger to her mate and they will eventually have to mate to stop the fever like feelings of the she wolf... In certain cases the mate can control himself and stop himself from mating with the she wolf but in times like that, he and the she wolf would really feel weak and will just want to stay beside each other until it ends...

With one last final kiss, Ethan gently lied down beside me and made sure that our whole bodies are covered with the mattress since it was very cold... My fever is slowly subsiding and it's all because Ethan and I had finally completed the mating ceremony...

"I love you Amanda"

"Always and forever" He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead as I pulled him closer and wrapped myself in between his arms, I slowly closed my eyes and finally drifted to sleep...

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