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Amanda's P.O.V.

It's been a few months, 3 exactly when Ethan started acting so strange, when the Ethan and know, when the mate I had was still with me, was still by my side. I was forbidden to interact with Ethan as I might be hurt since e doesn't know what's happening to him, it was always the same cycle, everytime, everyday, a never ending cycle which tired me out from waiting for him to come back, for hoping at he'll be fine, that he'll be back for m.

But I guess things doesn't work as easy like that, because no matter how hard I tried to pray, no matter how hard I try to make him remember the things he did, nothing... I received nothing I return, he was always looking at me with a blank expression as if he wasn't the monster he is at night.

"Ethan's not here is he?"

I saw the gloom in everyone's face the moment I got down from the staircase, they were all looking so tired and devastated in the living room while others are probably somewhere near the pack borders or the alpha and the Luna. The first one I saw in the living room is Minseok oppa and Luhan, both looking so torned apart at something so deep.

"He's not here, always disappearing even if we try to lock him up in his room"

Believe me, we all tried methods of just keeping him inside his room but it seems like nothing could even stop Ethan from disappearing at night. We tried to always stay awake attention time whenever he escapes but it's like magic that made us feel like we're stupid as whenever he finds a way out, it seems like we were always put under spell and then when we enter his room after a split second, he was already no where to be found.

"He always finds a way to get out and escape" Luhan addrd, well for sure this isn't the true Ethan I know, he was very caring and sweet but then now... He's like a monster who can't even distinguish what's happening between reality and dreams and truth from lies.

"How about his blood stream? Are you already working on it?"

Maybe something might just be wrong in his bloodstream like Kaiser, a miscalculation and misconception about the way his wolf blood is mixed with his vampire blood, his vampire blood is dominating his wolf blood which makes it more reasonable on why he's acting like a mad wolf trying to pry on wild animals.

"Sehun will be working on with that, he's already trying to figure out what's wrong with him"

Between the brothers Sehun is the most talented and smartest one, he'll be able to know what's wrong with Ethan in less than a minute, for sure he'll also be able to find or create a cure for him.

"How about the others? Where's my sister?" I asked, enough for Ethan talks for now, I have to worry about my sister also especially the Luna as any moment now, we'll be expecting our soon to be alpha.

"Which one? You have so many sisters"

"The Luna, we have to watch her all the time, something bad might happen to her if the baby might come out any moment now"

"She's with Seohyun, don't worry The taking care of her" Luhan spoke pointing at the garden outside at the backyard, the Luna wanted to go near to the sun light whenever she wakes up early in the morning, she believes it'll be good for her and for our little alpha.

I nod my head and sat on the couch, a little far from where Minseok oppa is. I guess it's time to relax but then I suddenly had a weird feeling, my heart started beating so fast that it made me wonder what's happening to me. Nothing like this happened before so why do I feel something like this now?

"I feel weird, I'm so nervous and I don't know why"

With my words Minseok oppa and Luhan oppa turned to me in a questioned gaze but our senses got highed the moment we heard someone shouting... Someone very familiar to me...

"Amanda you have to go to the pack doctor, the Luna is giving birth!"

My eyes widened when I just realized what Seohyun had just said, we looked at each other as the two guys stood up hastily and started to run outside the pack house and to the pack doctor.

"We have to go, Amanda, try to contact your other sisters"


It was quite a hard labor for the Luna, it took her almost 3 hours before she finally managed to let Caden see the new world. After 3 hours of labor the Luna passed out because of tiredness, so the pack doctor cleaned our little alpha and placed him in a room, I'm not sure if I'm right but I think the alpha came to that room and visited Caden, the name he gave to their child.

"Luna are you okay? Are you feeling well?" I hurriedly walked towards her when I saw her fingers moving, she was already awake...

"Where's my child? Where's Caden?"

"He's with mom and dad, he's very handsome Luna, a perfect son for the alpha and you" I complimented with a smile.

"Rest now, you're so tired from all the labors and pain you've been through-"

"It was hard, but fine you know what made me happy and gained strength?"

"Blake came to me, he told me that he'll be by my side and was very nervous for me and our baby. He was there when I needed him, and I'm so thankful of that"

I smiled softly, the alpha is slowly letting his heart melt and now, he's starting to slowly get close to his Luna and to his next alpha...

Let Out The Beast (Blood & Pack # 2)Where stories live. Discover now