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Hey so long time no see. I promise there will be some new chapters out soon as we have finally broken up for the holidays. I'd love to rant on and on about what's been going on but I know 80% won't read this. (shout out to that 20%)

So I was tagged by 5newtideBAMVampsclub to do this so here we go.

1. My first name is Alexia.
2. My favorite colour is khaki green
3. My bestie is maria_corini123
4. My favorite words are oblivious, chaos an an there's one more but I forgot.
5. I'm in many.... Many fandoms.
6. Netflix is my life. Literally.
7. Donkeycornasaurus.
8. I have two brothers that are both older then me (I'm the youngest)
9. Music understands me.
10. I play guitar, keyboard and xylophone (my music teacher says that people actually say they play xylophone like aye?) but Yeh I do.

I tag TheTravelOfThisGirl
sidemenlover543 and

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