Chapter 24

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I reluctantly opened my eyes, but when I did, only one eye opened. I sighed in irritation and rubbed my eyes. Like a retard, I sat up. I banged my head on the top of the bunk. I suddenly felt dizzy, and something warm began to trickled down the side of my face.

"Crap!" I muttered, "Andy!"

"What!?" He yelled, he sounded like he was in the front part of the bus.

"We have a problem!"

"What is it?

"I hit my head."

"Uh... That sounds like your problem..."

"But.. I'm bleeding, and I can't see straight!" I cried. I heard Andy curse, and then I heard his running stomps. The curtain flew over and he grabbed the sides of my head. More blood trickled down the side of my face. He cursed under his breath, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"No! I'm getting blood in my hair!" Casen came into view.

"What is going on?" He asked in his beautiful accent.

"I hit my head on the top of my bunk, and now Andy is getting my blood in my hair!"

"Well you shouldn't have sat up!" He hissed.

"I was half asleep!" I defended. Andy sat me in what seemed like Kellin's car. "Casen, tell Kellin we are using his car." Andy started the car and quickly drove out of the venue parking-lot.


I walked to Kellin's car, my forehead hurt. I had gotten stitches at the hair-line. I asked if I could get butterfly bandages instead, but the stupid doctor said no. Andy had to hold me down when I got the numbing shot... God I hate needles...

Andy started the car once I was in and had my seat belt on. He began to drive back to the venue.I folded my arms over my chest and I glared out of the windshield.

"How are you feeling?" Andy asked.

"My forehead hurts." I grumbled.

"Did you take your pills today? You know how you get when you're in a small place with loud music." Andy said. When I'm in a small place with loud music and I haven't taken my pills, I start to have an anxiety attack. People call it a spazz attack, but the doctor and therapists call is an anxiety/panic attack.

"No, not yet. I'll take them when we get back to the bus." I mumbled, Andy nodded and pulled into the venue parking-lot. Kellin was waiting where the car had been parked.

"So what was so important you had to take my car?" Kellin asked, I could see that he wanted to smile.

"I hit my head, and then I started bleeding." I frowned and lifted up my bangs.

"Oh, that sucks, I did that on the last tour." Kellin patted me on the back, Casen gave me a hug.

"I'm going to finish getting ready for the show. Take your pills!" Andy scolded and ran back to the bus, Kellin and Casen looked at me confused.

"Pills? For what?" Kellin asked.

"I have to take one pill for my ADHD, and the other is for anxiety." I nodded.

"Why do you need to take the anxiety one?" He asked.

"Well, I kind of freak out when I'm in a small space with really loud music, I have like anxiety/panic attacks..." I say... Man my head is so screwed up...

"I need to take those pills too!" Casen smiled, Kellin laughed.

"The last time I didn't take them is when I was in third grade, the teacher decided to have a party, he locked the doors, like he usually did, and he decided to play very loud music. The rooms weren't that big. He decided to ly a hand on my shoulder and I threw the nearest thing to me at him... It just so happened to be a chair... It broke the left side of his jaw..." I mumbled.

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