Chapter 2 [EDITED 30/9/13]

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"Andilyn, sweetheart, get up. Time for your first day of school!" Amy chirped and I heard the sliding of the curtains and the light of the sun wash over my closed eyes. I whimpered at the loss of my beautiful sleep and I curled into a ball.

"What are you talking about? I just got here yesterday, I want to sleep," I groaned into the duvet as I held it close to myself, hoping to pass out from lack of oxygen and then maybe she'd leave me alone.

"I'm aware," she laughed, "but I registered you yesterday. So... um... yeah, you should probably get up and get ready. Andy's taking you to school... and also staying there the day with you too." the covers were ripped away from me and I whimpered again. My baby! My hand shot out and I searched the duvet that I already knew I wasn't going to find.

"C'mon, Andi, get ready," Andy said and I felt someone poking at my face. I opened one eye and glared at him. Of course he'd be on his mum's side. "I'll give you fifty dollars?" I pried my other eye open and saw that he had the fifty dollar bill between his index and middle finger.

I hopped off the bed and took the bill from between his fingers, "done." I walked into the bathroom and quickly went wee before washing my hands and returning to my room to get ready for... (Insert violent shiver here) school.

"Can you leave? I need to get dressed..." I told him before slightly chewing on my lower lip for a few seconds before he nodded and turned to leave. I quickly closed the door behind him and locked it.

I pulled out my black Paramore shirt and took off my the one I wore yesterday. I put on deodorant and pulled the Paramore shirt over my head. I stripped down and put on a new pair of underwear and black skinny jeans.  

I pulled on a pair of black ankle socks before I shoved my feet into my combat boots. I quickly laced them up and stood from the bed, grabbing my eyeliner, toothbrush, hairbrush, straightener and mascara.

I opened the door and squeezed between Andy and the wall towards the bathroom. I turned and walked back into the room, having forgotten my face wash. When I returned, I quickly washed my face and dried it before brushing my teeth and hair. I quickly did simple eyeliner, just putting the black on my bottom waterline and my top before putting on a couple coats of mascara. I didn't need any foundation before my face was strangely all one colour, not to mention pale.

When I was done with my face, I plugged in my straightener and waited for the metal plates to heat up before bring it to my curly hair. My hair was currently fading from black to my natural hair colour—red. I'd don't really like that I'm a ginger, so I dye my hair black.

I flipped my fringe so it'd fall into the right place and I turned to walk back into my room again because I had forgotten my hairspray, but Andy handed it to me. I gladly took it and gave him a nearly silently thank you. I slipped my hand beneath my fringe and over my eyes and I spray the hair spray onto my fringe first before the rest of my choppily layered hair.

I unplugged the straighter and carried everything back to my room and dumped it all on my bed, making a mental note to put everything away when I got back home. Hopefully Amy won't come in and see it all on my bed. See that I've already made a mess. I can make quite the mess when I want to...

"Here," Andy came by and placed something black and rectangular into the palm of my hand. I looked down to find an iPhone in my hand. What the hell?

"What's this?" I asked, still looking down at it with a frown.

"It's a phone. You know, one of those things that people have nowadays? It's to make calls while out of the house and you're nowhere near a landline-"

"I know what a phone is," I cut him off, "but what I meant was, what is it for?"

"How the hell do you expect us to contact you if you don't have a mobile phone?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. Jesus, sorry Mr Sassy.

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