Chapter 19

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It has been a month and a half. I have healed what Andy calls, 'nicely'.

At the moment I am laying on a couch in a stupid tour bus, while Jinxx is poking my face. I was bored as hell. I felt like jumping out the window of the moving bus. But.... If I lived, Andy might kill me. Andy was sitting at the table, fidgiting. I do that too, but I was listening to music, so I'm all good. I smirked at Andy and he glared.

Getting annoyed by Jinxx poking me, I pulled out my ear bud, grabbed his finger and bent it backwards.

"If you didnt have to play, I would so break your finger" I said dangerously. His eyes widened and he removed his finger from my hand slowly. I smiled and put my ear buds back in... Something came crashing down on my body.

I gasped for air and long black messy hair slapped me in the face. Andy had lied about homeschooling me, just to get Amy to let me come.

I moved the hair out of my face and pushed teh body off of me. It turned out to be Andy. Stupid asshole.

"What was that for!?" I asked, he got up and looked at me with a smile.

"Just for" He shrugged, he suddenly picked me up, and ran to the bunks. He laid me in a bunk, closed the curtians and I suppose he ran away. I got out and stalked off to the living room. I glared at Andy and he smiled at me innocently. I glared and sat on his lap.

"Lap dance! Give him a lap dance, Andi!" Ash yelled excitedly. I got up and slapped Ash. Andy broke out laughing. I turned around and slapped him as well.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Andy asked.

"Just for" I smirked. Andy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest like he was pissed.

"Cut the crap!" I laughed.

Andy smiled and pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head between his knees. He sat like that for hours, at one point I pushed him over.... He was asleep.... Stupid ass.

I yawned and laid down on the floor. Jinxx, Ash, Jake, and CC all stepped around me, and soo enough I fell asleep.

We have been travling for a week, Andy and them played no shows, but finally they had one tonight. I watched as Andy put on his make-up. He smiled at me, ran up to me, grabbed me and put me on the counter.

he told me to sit still when I started fidgiting... But what he doesnt know is I also have ADD. I like keeping that little secret. So when I couldnt sit still Andy began to get frustrated.

"Sit still!" He hissed, I stopped, but a minute later I just couldnt.

"You have ADD dont you?" Andy asked.

".......Yes......" I answered, Andy sighed, slapped an iPod in my hands and said,

"Listen to your music, I've noticed you dont fidget when you do" I shrugged, turned it on and stuck the earbuds in my ears, the song 'Someone, Somewhere' blasted through my earbuds.

I waited, sitting on the counter for a half an hour before Andy smiled with satisfation. He pulled the ear buds out and said,

"Done! I... Am... An... ARTIST!" I rolled my eyes and looked in the mirror. CC came by and smiled.

"You look bad ass!" He yelled. I did, I looked just like Andy! He looked like he did in Rebel Love Song.

"Andi, go change, and dont wear your Asking Alexandria shirt... Your at a Black Veil Brides concert" Andy said, I rolled my eyes and grabbed my black pants and my black BVB band T-shirt. I changed quickly, put on my black ankle high combat boots.

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