Chapter 16

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"Andi, please come out..." I heard Andy say while rapping on my door (Rapping means knocking)

"Go away! I dont like you anymore!" I yelled and pulled a pillow over my head

"Andi, please, I'm sorry for what I did... Or said yesterday" Andy said. He sounded really troubled. Groaning I got up and walked to my door.

I got about half way there then I decided I was going to go somewhere an get away from Andy.

I turned around and walked to my closet, I brushed my fingers around the hole in my closet fom when I  couldnt open the doors.

I opened the doors and grabbed an Asking Alexandria band tee that had a big pink space monster on it. I put it on and grabbed a random pair of my black skinny jeans. I then grabbed my all black high top converses and put those on... Along with my pants o.O

After I was done getting dressed I walked out of my room, past Andy and down the steps. Not bothering to put on make-up.

I head Andy trailing behind me. I walked past everyone... And I mean everyone... Like: Jake, Jinxx, Ashley, C.C, Amy, Chris, and.... Thats it... I guess it wasnt everyone...

"Andi, where are you goi-" I cut Andy offby slamming the front door. Andy had really pissed me off.

I walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus. I pulled out a dollar when the bus came. I gave the machine my dollar and walked to the back of the bus.

"Hey. Babe" A boy said beside me, I looked at the boy and he winked.

"not even in your dreams" I said rather annoyed.

"C'mon Babe, dont be like that" He said and pulled me ono up lap. I smiled as sweetly as I could. I put both my hands on the sides of his face. He gave me a smile, my smile faded and I pushed hard on the pressure points behind his ears. He closed his eyes and his face contorted with pain.

"Dont you ever touch me again!" i hissed and hopped off his lap. He said somehing under his breath and then gave me a smile, I gave him the finger and pulled the cord, signaling for a stop.

Once that sotp was made I got off the bus.... And so did the boy...

"I'll give you another chance... And another.... And another... I'll give as many chances as you need" The boy said while wrapping his arms around my waist. I turned around and looked in his eyes. They were a bright green. Damn... His eyes were beautiful...

"So... What is it that you want?" I asked

"A kiss" He said, "And maybe... You as my girlfriend"

"I'm Jason by the way" He said with a smile

"I like that your not afraid to tell girls what you want" I said with an unexpected smile creeping up on my lips.

"So what do you say... A kiss and be my girlfriend?" He asked with leading eyes.

"Mmmmmmmmmm..... Mmmmmmmm... Mmmmmmm, sure" I said with a smile.

"Great... Now... The kiss" He said with a cocky smile... I just got a boyfriend... Crap, what about Michael? Ehh, I'm sure he wasnt interested in me that way.

"M'kay" I said blankly, he smiled and his lips came crashing down on mine.

My lips moved along with his auto-matically. We kissed for about 1 minute and a half... Only because I ran out of breath. When I pulled back we both were breathing hard. I looked into his eyes and he did the same with me.

"Your eyes are a beautiful bright green" He said with a smile.

"So are yours... Mine arent that bright" I said. He shook his head and pulled a tiny mirror out of his pocket, he showed me my eyes in the mirror. He was right!! My eyes have never been this green! And I'm not even wearing my coloured contacts!!

"Wow" I said

"Your beautiful"

"So are you" His lips came crashing down on mine again

"Andi!!" Someone yelled, I recognized that voice... It was Andy... Oh crap...


Sorry for late uploads I've been grounded -_-.... nd sorry for short chapter I have plans for the next chapter!! Its going to be shocking!! Until next time... My.... What ever you want to call yurselves :D

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