Chapter 9

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I had been asked to play so many songs on the guitar that my fingers were starting to hurt. I have soft hands! Not rough guitar hands! God people! I could only play so much!  

 "My fingers hurt!" I complained  

"Well, use a guitar pi-" Jinxx was cut off  

 "Shut-up Jinxx! I'm not using a guitar pic!" I hissed. Jinxx held up his hands in surrender.  

 "I'm home!" Chris yelled while closing the door that just opened  

"Dad, you have to he-" I cut Andy off by throwing a pillow at his perfectly mess teased hair.  

 "Ow! What was that for!!?" Andy asked rubbing the side of his head, I gess I threw it hard.  

 "Did you not just hear me complain about my fingeres hurting?" I asked  

"Right...''Andy trailed off, Chris gave us a weird look and sat down next to me.  

 "Hey, kiddo" He said ruffling my hair.  

 "Hi" I said fixxing my are, Ashley laughed a little. I glared and he stoped  

 "So what was Andy talking about?" Chris asked looking at me eyebrows raise. I realised that I could play with both hands, as well as write. I forgot what that was called. Oh well.  

 "I'm so stupid! I could play with both hands!" I shouted switching the guitar to my left hand. Everybody looked at me weird.  

 "How? Thats like, impossible" Ashley said  

 "No it's not, watch me play!" I said poking my tounge out at him.  

 "And sing along too!" Andy rushed in. I rolled my eyes and began to play The Kill by 30 Seconds to Mars.  

I began to play perfectly with my left hand I sang when it was time. I looked up at Ashley who started at the strings in amazment. I smiled.

 "Come break me down,  burry me burry me. I;m not finished with you. Look in my eyes your killing me killing me! All I wanted was you" I sang, Andy and Chris stared with amazment and there mouths hung open. Why people just close their freakin mouths!?  

As I played the last chords of the song Amy sat down on the couch and just watched as I finished the last strums.  

"Wow" Was all Chris could say.  

"What other songs do you know?" Chris asked  

"I know the song Secerts by One Republic" I shrugged  

"Never heard it, but play it" Chris said. I nodded.  

 I began to play. I sang when was supposed to. About the middle of the song some one knocked upon the door, Andy walked towards the door. I was about to stop playing.  

"Keep playing!" Andy said before opening the door. I nodded my head and nearly dropped the guitar when I seen who was the door. It was Michelle! That girl just lives to ruin my life. She pushed past Andy and walked to were I was sitting and knocked the guitar our of my hands. I stood up and glared at her.  

 "Dont you know how to say excuse me?" I asked  

 "Shut-up!" She snapped. What did I ever do to her.  

"What did I ever do to you?" I asked  

"Nothing. I just dont like you" She shrugged.  

"So why are you here?" I asked  

"They should of adopted me!" Michelle yelled looking at Chris and Amy, I laughed  

 "Why would they want a spoild brat like you?" I asked  

"You should still be in Juvi" Michelle said looking at Amy and then at me with a smirk. She did not just say that!  

"It's not my fault you never have and never will get adopted" I said.  

"Like I said, you should still be in Juvi" Michelle said.  

 "Why should I still be in Juvi?" I asked  

 "Because, look at you. You, you, you emo!" She yelled  

 "Ooo good one, I'm hurt" I said sarcasticly  

 "Whats with those skinny jeans? They're all ripped" She said looking at my jeans with a disgusted face.  

"Michelle, you should really put on make-up. You need it. Badly" I said "I am wearing make-up!" She yelled  

"Really. Wow, I wonder what you like with out that ugly make-up. I'm suprised your mirror hasnt cracked yet" I said  

"Shut it cutter!" She yelled  

 "Is that supposed to insult me. I'm not denying it" I shrugged, ya I cut, so what?  

 "What is wrong with you?" She asked outraged. I laughed  

 "Come up with better insults" I shrugged, I could care less about what this *b word* says.  

 "You sing horrible" She said looking at the guitar.  

"I sing better than you, thats all I need to know" I said.  

"I bet you cant even play the guitar right" Michelle said.  

 "At least I could play an instrument" I said  

"I could play one!" She yelled  

"A boy doesnt count" I said rolling my eyes.  

 "At least I could get one" She said.  

 "Are you sure? You cant even get a girl" I said with a smirk  

"I could get a boy! I"ve never seen you with one!" She yelled  

"I've had boyfriends before. I just never brought them around the home. You and your ugly make-up would scare them away" I said, she slapped me. My head went to the side from the impact  

 "A slap? Thats it? What a girl" I laughed, she kicked my in my ankle, wow she kicks like a girl!  

"Was that supposed to hurt?" I asked, the thing she did next was the most funniest thing ever! She screamed and lunged. Haha, she screams funny.  

We both fell to the floor. She was ontop. She tried to swing at my face but I moved my head and all she hit was the carpet. I rolled and this I was ontop. I smiled before I hit her in her face. I hit her again and heard a snap, then a scream. I had broken her nose.  

 "You need to learn how to fight" I said getting up, Michelle got up and ctutched her bleeding nose. She ran out crying.  

 "You might want to see a docter about your nose" I yelled out the front door. She gave me the finger, I started laughing. I turned around and Amy was staring at me.  

"She hit me first. I would never start a fight. I always let them hit me first" I said putting my hand up. She laughed and shook her head.  

"At least you didnt kill her" Amy said laughing and walking out the living room and into the kitchen I looked at Andy.  

"So what were you in Juvi for?" He asked. _____________________________________________________________________________

the way Andi plays Secerts is on the side :) hope you like my chapter :)

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