Chapter 22

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I was randomly sitting on the table in the bus. Andy walked in, with a lady behind him. He looked terribly confused, he looked at me, confused even more.

"What... are... you... doing on the table?" Andy asked.

"It's the elves... They threatened to bite off my toes," I answered casually while swinging my feet below me, over the edge of the table.

"Andi, someone is here to see you," Andy said, sort of still confused.

Andy moved out of the way, the lady seemed to be in her mid-thirties, she had big green eyes, long black hair, and was skinny. She resembled alot of me. She looked like an older version of me. Her hair was curly, like mine at the moment.

"Hi, Andilyn?" She asked.

"Um, I don't mean to sound rude... But, who are you?" I asked, kind of weirded out that she looked like an older version of me.

"Andilyn, I am your mother," She answered so bluntly, I sat there, tense as hell.

"..." I didn't say anything. Andy snapped in my face. I slowly looked up at him.

"Andilyn, do you remember me?" The lady asked, I slowly shook my head.

"Baby girl, I am your mother." She said inching towards me.

"Oh... What a nice... Tree!" I said suddenly, jumped off the table and ran out the bus door... There was no tree -_-

"Andi!" Andy called after me, I continued to run, until I bumped into Danny. The force of the impat, sent me to the ground.

"Oh shit, Love, I'm so sorry," He apologised, he helped me up to my feet.

"It's OK, um... Have you seen Jake?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, no, I haven't," He frowned.

"It's OK, um.. I have to go..." I took off running again.

I bumped into somebody else. But before I could fall to the floor, the person caught me. I slowly looked up to see Oliver Sykes. He was smiling, but it faded into a frown.

"Are you Andilyn Biersack?" He asked.

"Yes," I answered. He glared, and let me go, I fell onto my ass. "Some gentlemen you are!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't associate with someone related to fags," He called as he walked away.

"If you really knew, I am not in any way related to Andy, his parents adopted me, you jack-ass!" I yelled, he suddenly stopped and slowly turned to face me. He walked over to me and slammed me against Sleeping With Sirens' bus.

"You just called me a jack-ass? That isn't very polite," He smirked.

"And neither is dropping a girl on her ass," I bit back.

"You're fast with your insults," He smiled.

"Ugh, now you show some approvel." I groaned. I pushed at his grip.

"No, no, how old are you?" He asked.

"Too young for you," I answered.

"Andilyn!" Andy yelled, he was running up to us, along with the lady. I pushed Oliver.

"I hate to just... Leave... Actually.. no I don't, but bye!" I yelled and continued to run.

I ran, my legs and my lungs burned with exhuastion, I had that awful cramp on my right side. I gave up, I stopped, and threw myself into the grass. If she was my mo, why had she found me now? Why hadn't she found me when I was younger? I was at that stupid orphanage all my freakin life.

"Andi... Lyn..." Andy panted by my side, and collasped into the grass. I quickly sat up and spat something out of my mouth, it turned out to be a lady bug.

"Ooh! A lady bug!" I squeaked and picked it up. It was full of my spit  o.O

I cupped my hand around it, someones hand crushed mine together, causing me to crush my lady bug. I looked up to see Danny.

"MY LADY BUG!" I cried, and opened my hands to see a squished dead, lady bug, "you ass!" I got up and kicked Danny in the shin.

"Hahaha!" Andy laughed and pointed at me. I wiped the lady pug on my pants, and lunged at Andy. causing us to roll in the grass.

"I DON'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE!" I screamed and licked Andy's face.

"EEWW! Gross!" He cried and pushed me off of him, he wiped the side of his face---where I licked him---and wiped his hand on his SlipKnot shirt.

"Here, that lady, your 'mom' told me to give you this," Andy handed me a folded piece of paper.

I opened it and read it,

Dear Andilyn (I hope I spelt that right),

I am so sorry, I didn't come out to you as your mother earlier, you may not have noticed me. But I was always with, from the time you and Andy went to beach, and the time you were shot.

I know, I know, stalker status, but I just had to make sure you were safe...

I never wanted to give you up, but I couldn't find the money to give you a good life, believe it or not, you had a better life at the orphange that you would have with me. After I had gotten money, I tried to get you back, but the court wouldn't allow it.

In hopes to see you again some time soon,

             Your Mother.

I glared at the letter, and ripped it up. I got up and began to walked away. As I was walking, some one grabbed my waist and pulled me behind a bus.

"So, how old did you say you were?" Oliver asked.

"I said I was too young for you," I answered and pushed away from him.

"Hey, c'mon, Love, don't be like that!" He complained and pulled me back into him. He held me against the bus.

"Let me go!" I growled and pulled his hair.

"Did you just touch my hair?" He asked, I nodded, kneed him in the stomach and took off running.

I was sat on the couch, thinking over things, what colour should I dye my hair? Purple or blue?

Blue! Dye it blue! the voice in my head screamed.

No, dye it purple! another one shouted.

Dye it black! I have way to many voice inmy head.

Her hair is already black! the other two shouted at the third one.

All of you! Shut the hell up! I growled. When I got no responce, I smiled.

I am going to dye my hair red ^.^, and I know, it wasn't one of the two choices I listed.

After deciding on which colour I should dye my hair... I fell alseep.

Things were complicated today, with all the voices in my head, meeting my 'mother' and meeting Oliver Sykes... He struck me as an ass...


:O i made Oliver Sykes the bad guy :O

Adopted into the Biersack Familyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें