Chapter 3 [EDITED 14/10/13]

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We were sat in silence during the tailback traffic on the motorway. It was agonisingly quiet, but I didn't want to break the silence... so I allowed Andy the honour of doing it. He turned to be briefly before looking back at the road.

"So, what happened to your parents?" he asked, biting on his oversized bottom lip with the single piercing.

I shrugged, "I don't know. My social worker said they left me on the bloody door step like it was Harry Potter or something." I turned my attention towards the homeless man on the side of the road, picking up the aluminium cans and plastic water bottles.

"Why don't you call your social worker by her name?" Andy asked, lowering the volume on the radio slightly. I turned back to look at him.

"I don't know her name. She never bothered to tell it to me and I never bothered to learn. I think she doesn't like me... but I wouldn't like me either," I mumbled that last part under my breath, hoping Andy didn't hear me. If he did, he didn't address it. "When you mum said she was going to adopt me, my social worker practically ran out the door to retrieve the papers. It took her less than two minutes to do so. Stupid prat."

Andy laughed at me, "I like you. You're chill." he saw an open space towards the lane to his left. Out in the distance, I could make out the white sand of the beach.

"You're chill as well," I smiled at him whilst glancing at his leather trousers. So tight! I chuckled at the large, drawn-in silver arrow pointed to his crotch.

Andy nodded a thank you and reached behind him, not taking his eyes off the road in front of him. He grabbed "We Stitch These Wounds" CD and pushed it into the slot on the radio. I felt a lump form in my throat when he went through the lists of songs on the first album and stopped on "Carolyn". He waited silently for the intro the end before singing along with himself.

I was no aware rock stars did this on their free time.

The song "Carolyn" pretty much got me through almost anything that came my way these past two and a half years. As most of BVB's fans would have said "Knives and Pens" had done the same thing for them, I strongly disagree on my part.

I felt a tear escape and roll down my left cheek as the second verse started. Stop crying, Andilyn! I quickly wiped it away and fanned my face a bit in hopes to make the heat in my cheeks go away. Andy noticed, something I didn't want him to do.

"Hey, Andi, you alright?" he asked softly, lowering the volume on the song even more. I quickly wiped away another tear and nodded vigorously at him.

"Yeah," I mumbled, "I'm alright."

"What's wrong?" his hand rested softly on my shoulder, rubbing circles with his thumb as he attention flicked from the road to me, then back to the road.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm totally... and completely fine..." I puffed out my cheeks and released a sigh, allowing my cheeks to return to normal as the air left them. I fanned my face a bit more and wiped away another tear before feeling the slightly stinging in my eyes go away.

"Alright, I'm not going to push. Do you want to get something to eat, perhaps?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. A smile spread across my face and I nodded.

"Of course! I cannot deny food! You don't even have to ask!" I gasped and turned up the volume when I heard the intro for "Sweet Blasphemy" playing, "I love this song!" Andy had somehow weaved his way through the tailback traffic and towards the nearest McDonalds.

When he drove into the car park and parked, we quickly made our way inside and I told Andy to get me whatever crossed his mind and I went to find us a table. I'll spare you the details of our silent lunch, but all I'll tell you was this everything pretty much tasted like the tears of Jesus.

After another twenty minutes on the motorway, we had finally reached the beach. I unbuckled my seat belt and jumped out of the car the moment the tyres stopped moving. I ran towards the white sand and towards the water.

I cringed when the coldness of the ocean water washed over my toes. Nope, I wasn't going to get in.

Andy finally caught up and began to walk beside me as we both walked along the water's edge, a few centimetres away from where the water stopped. Andy slowly turned his head towards me and smirked. My eyes widened.

"Don't," I whined. He was about to say something, but I took off running, trying to avoid Andy's grabby hands. He caught my by my waist and picked me up off the ground, jogging over towards the water with me in his arms.

He stopped when he was about waist deep into the water. I looked up at him, "stop, please! Don't, you're going to mess up my hair. Andy, please!" I pleaded, trying to break his grip from around my waist. It tightened and he shook his head, suddenly letting me go. I screamed until my head went underwater.

I quickly closed my mouth and eyes so the horrid taste of the water wouldn't get into my mouth and the salt wouldn't irritate my eyes. I pushed my legs up, my upper half springing through the water with a gasp. It was so cold! Andy was laughing at me as he made his way out of the ocean.

Andy didn't get back to the dry sand. I caught him by the back of his black vest and jumped on his back, shoving what little weight I had onto him so he would go down into the water. When he did, I quickly let him go and stood, running as fast as the water would let me towards the dry sand.

"Andilyn! Get back here!" he screamed as me and I turned my head, seeing the mass of wet, black hair and ruined eyeliner on his face. I was afraid to see what I looked like.

"Never!" I laughed at him and ran faster when my feet hit the warm, dry sand. I pretty much left Andy in the dust. For a tall lad, he doesn't run very fast.

I slammed into someone and fell backwards onto my bum. I groaned at the slight numb feeling I began to feel in my tailbone and I looked up at Ashley.

"Uh... hi?" it came out more of a question than a greeting. He raised his eyebrow, crossed his arms over his chest and began to tap his foot.

"Andi, what are you doing on the—"Andy stopped his breathless talking when he spotted Ashley.

"Hey, next time you two ditch to the beach, at least invite me," Ashley smirked and then helped me to my feet. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Right, sorry," Andy rolled his eyes as well before turning to me with a smirk. I shoved Ashley's hand away and slid behind him, hoping his body would hide mine.

"He did it! He pushed you into the water, Andy, not me!" I said quickly, shoving Ashley towards Andy. He laughed at me before picking me up and walked back towards the cold ocean water.

"No, no, no, no!" I screamed. "Andy! Please, put me down! NOOO!" I wrapped my legs around his waist and held him closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest. If he wanted to drop me into the water, he was going to have to go in as well because I am not letting him go and I doubt he'll be able to pry me off of him.

I heard a few giggles and I lifted my head, turning in the direction of the sound. A mass of girls with band shirts and black skinny jeans were looking at us. I turned back to Andy and a smile spread across my lips just as his widened.

"Hey look!" I screamed, "It's Andy Biersack!" I let him go and dropped to my feet. The mass of girls suddenly screamed in realisation that this really was Andy Biersack and I ran towards Ashley just as the girls ran up to Andy, bombarding him with questions and 'I love you!'s.

Ashley and I ran off into the café near the car park and sat at a booth near the window and we waited for Andy. I'm fairly certain he had seen where we ran...

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