Chapter 25

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This stupid dog had me up all night. Don't get me wrong, I love this little dog, but I also love my sleep. I was exausted, I could barely keep my eyes open, at a rock concert next to the speakers of the Black Veil Brides, New Religion, it was Jakes solo.

Someone was gently shaking me, I looked up dazedly at Andy. He said something, but I couldn't hear hear. I chose not to hear. He waved the Ashley, who nodded, and Andy picked me up and walked out into the sunlight. He walked into the bus, and laid me down on the couch.

"Casen will come by and check on you." Andy whsipered, I heard the bus door open and close.


I slowly opened my eyes to realize and arm was wrapped around my waist. I slowly looked up to see it was Casens arm, he was sleeping. I looked into his adorable innocent sleeping face. He looked so peacefull.

I began to poke him in the face, "Casen... Wake up... Casen!" He sat up quickly and looked down at me half asleep.

"C'mon, I was sleeping!" He complained.

"Yeah, well I have to go to the bathroom, and your arm was restricting me from going." I frowned and sat up too.

"Sorreh." He yawned and removed his arm. I got up from the couch and staggered to the bathroom. I really, really, really had to go pee!

I walked out of the bathroom after washing my hands and sat at the table, I opened up the laptop that was charging. Shh, don't tell anyone, it's Andy's!

I logged onto Facebook. No notifications. I shrugged and logged myself out and closed it. I turned off the laptop and closed it. Thats all I needed to do. Ahh, I need a life.

Marrabell---my puppy---was with Danny. Danny took it for the night, I wounder how he's doing... If he kills Marrabell, I'm going to kill him.

"You look like you're trying to think!" Casen laughed.

"Shut up!" I playfully hit him in the arm.

"It's about time you two woke up!" Andy came into the bus. I gave him a smile.

"Yeah, I was tired. Stupid dog..." I muttered.

"I thought you loved Marrabell." Andy said.

"I do... sometimes, sometimes I also love my sleep." I nodded.

"Yeah... sucks for you," Andy shrugged.

"You were the one who gave me the dog!" I laughed.


I was sat in backstage, watching the Sleeping With Sirens concert with Casen. I had taken both sets of my pills and I wasn't freaking out. Casen was playing a game on his phone, I was watching Kellin prance around on stage while singing my favourite song by them; Do It Now, Remember It Later. I love that song. Kellin looked up at me and smiled, then pointed to Casen, who I socked in the arm to get his attention. Casen looked up at me and then at Kellin. Kellin nodded and went back to looking at the crowd.

Casen looked at me with a smile. He shoved his phone in his pocket and grabbed my hand, pulled me off the couch, and ran outside into the night air.

We ran through the parking lots until we ended up behind the Sleeping With Sirens' bus. Casen looked down at me and smiled.

"Andilyn, how old are you?" He asked suddenly.

"Fifteen." I answered.

"Me too!" He clapped. He walked me into the bus, my back was against the bus, and he put a hand on either side of my head.

He slowly leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. You know how in a book it describes how one feels when they are kissed by someone they loved? How they say they feel sparks when they touch? Thats how this felt, as cliche as it sounds.

Instinctively, I kissed back. I leaned into him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist. My lips moved along with his.

After a while, we both pulled away, our breathing erratic, he looked into my eyes with his blue ones and smiled.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but Andilyn Biersack, I love you." He wore a big proud smile.

"I think I might love you too, Casen Quinn." I smiled back. We embraced each other into a hug.


I was laying in Casen's bunk in Sleeping With Sirens' bus, he had his arms wrapped around me, and we looked at each other. We were having a staring contest. So far, no one has blinked or smiled. My eyes were beginning to burn, but I urged on. Casen blinked.

"I win!" I yelled in victory.

"Damn! I can't kiss you!" He cried.

"Yes you can, I changed my mind." I said. The moment I said this, his lips collided with mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he rolled over. So my back was against the wall of the bunk, and he was cornering me in. The only way I could get out, was if I climbed over him.

Casen pulled away and looked into my eyes with his blue ones. I closed my eyes and leaned into his chest. I never wanted to leave. I was perfectly comfortable, and happy.

I had nothing to complain about, I was happy, I was no longer grieving over Jace, though he was still on my mind.

I was happy. Perfectly happy, my life is complete, and filled with people I cared about, people who cared about me. As an orphan, this is all I ever wanted. I never wanted to change this, I never wanted this to end.

I was happy, happier than I have ever been. And I have a feeling this is how I'll be for the rest of my life.

Thank you Amy Biersack, for adopting me and making my screwed up life better. I'll always be greatful.


This is it. This is the end, the end of the book. But isn't the entire end, I'm going to be writing a second story. It's going to be about Casen, and his journey. Like this story, it's going to be 25 chapters.

Thank you for all the support I have gotten on this story, it is much appreciated.

I will write the sequeal to this either today, or tomorrow, but most likely tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed this story, and I hope you'll enjoy the next one just as much :)

Thank you for your support. I love you all :)


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