Chapter 1 [EDITED 12/10/13]

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"No!" I protested and slammed my hands on the door frame, trying to keep myself from be forced into the room. "I don't want to go in there!" my social worker was behind me, trying to shove me inside with an unknown lady that I really didn't want to talk to. Strangers weren't really my thing.

"Andilyn, get inside the room!" my social worker grunted, shoving heard at my back and I stumbled in, not wanting my arms to be broken. My stumbling had caused me to fall onto my face and I groaned into the ground.

I looked up at the bitch who pushed me (my social worker) and shot a harsh glare at her. She merely smiled sarcastically and stuck my tongue out at her. She rolled her eyes and took a step inside, closing the door behind her and standing in front of it just in case I had decided to flee back to my room and lock myself int here.

I huffed in defeat and sat in the chair across from the unknown lady. They lady who had an "interest" in adopting me. "Hey," I nodded to her.

"Hello," she smiled and returned my nod. "So, tell me about yourself."

I had half the mind to tell her no and leave. But I refrained from doing so.

"Er... okay... I'm fourteen, I'm obviously and orphan... or foster child, which ever you prefer. I honestly don't see the difference between the two. I love music, it's basically my life and I'd be nothing without it," I informed boredly and tried not to groan out loud.

"Erm, by any chance, and I'm just asking because you're wearing a Sleeping With Sirens shirt, is... er... is Black Veil Brides in your music interests?" she asked curiously, but I did, in fact, notice the bluch across her cheeks.

"Of course!" I nearly screamed, "Whose isn't?!"

A smile spread across her face, "I'll take you."

Without a single word, my social worker left the room and came back five minutes later with a packet of papers in her arms. Along with a pen between her fingers. She handed them to the lady sat across me and she mumbled a thank you.

"I'm Amy, by the way," she informed while she quickly signed through the papers. I sat there quietly and waited for her to finish. "You're going to love my son... your new brother. Your name's Andilyn, right?" I nodded and she finished signing the papers.

Amy handed them off to my social worker. To be honest, I didn't know her name and I've known her as a person basically my whole life. She never told me her name. She didn't like me much, but I was totally fine with that. I didn't like her either.

I quickly packed my things from my toom and when I was done, Amy helped me load the two suitcases into the boot of her car. I got into the passenger seat and Amy quickly revved up the engine.

We drove past LAX and I noticed there was a rather large crowd in front of the doors. Nearly all of them were wearing black. I accidently rolled down the window and I could hear their screaming. I chuckled and quickly rolled it back up with a quiet "oops" escaping past my lips.

What famous person has arrived in LA today?

Finally, after about thirty minutes, we arrived at a two story home. A man was waiting outside on the pourch and he smiled when he saw Amy's car pull up into the drive way. I took off my seat belt and got out the same time Amy did.

"You're back! And you brought a child with you!" the man claimed excidedly and I chuckled.

"Yep!" Amy beamed and looked down at me, "Her name's Andilyn and she's our daughter now! Andilyn, this is my husband, Chris."

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