Chapter 6

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I woke up to a loud beeping sound next to me. I slowly opened my eyes and blink a couple of time for me to be able to see straight, my body ached. It shouldnt, should. I know I'm in a hospital, their supposed to put me on pain meds.

'Andi?' I heard Andy ask and look over me with worried eyes.

'Your awake!' He cried.

'No I'm not, I'm dreaming about unicorns at the moment' I remarked sarcastically.

'Lucky' Andy chuckled.

'I know right?' I winked, I heaved in a sigh and let out a hissed pain, my side hurt really bad.

'Wow, when you just like fell to the ground I felt like I was gonna explode, it hurt to my little sister get herself hurt' Andy said with woeful eyes, I gave a weak smile.

'It hurt more then you think' I said looking at the ceiling.

'Sweety, I broke three ribs' Andy scoffed, I looked at him and raised and eyebrow

'Babe, I got shot, by a bullet. You cant beat that unless you let me shoot you in the shin' I said rolling my eyes.

'Fine you win' Andy said grudgingly.

'Andilyn, sweety, your awake!' Amy cried running up to my bed and hugging me from there, my body ached really bad.

'Ow' I muttered as she squeezed me slightly.

'Sorry' She laughed as she let me go.

'So, I talked to the nurse and she said you'd be able to go home tomarrow first thing in the morning' Amy smiled, I looked at her shocke. I had just got here yesterday hadnt I?

'Didnt I just get here yesterday?' I asked confused

'Two days ago' Jake said from the doorway, I was the only patient in the room, thankfully.

'Hey, Jake, havent seen you in a while' I said looking at him with curiousity.

'I've been with some girls if you catch my drift' He winked, I mentally gagged.

'Thats sick, I could have gone my whole life without knowing what you were up to the past couple of days' I said disgusted

'Well whyd you ask?' He said

'I didnt ask, I just said 'havent seen you in a while' and last I heard that wasnt a question' I said narrowing my eyes, hospitals make me cranky.

'Right...' He trailed off.

'Andilyn, your awake! So hows my patient?' A lady asked

'I dont know you' I simply said, she laughed and shook her head.

'Thats fine I dont know you either' She said smiling, I smiled back. I think I could get along with this lady. She looked pretty young.

'How old are you?' I asked, curiousity rising.

'I'm 23' She said with a smile, I looked at her shocked, thats the age most med students graduate and even then it takes at least a year to find a job as a nurse. I looked at her puzzeled.

'I was an early grad. and my aunt works here, so thats how I got a job so early' She said looking at my confusion, I nodded finally understanding.

'So, Andilyn me and you are gonna spend a lot of time together today' The nurse said with a smile

'I dont know your name' I said

'It's Mixtly' She smiled (pronounced Mix-ly)

'I like your name' I said with a smile

'Not as much as i like yours, your name is unique. Adilyn' She said thinking aloud.

'So um  . . . what time can we get her tomarrow?' Andy asked

'Probably around 7 in the morning tomarrow' The nurse said looking at my papers.

'Knowing Andy, he'll probably be waiting by the front door waiting' Jake snorted.

'Yes, yes I would' Andy admitted with his arms crossed.

'Ok, sweety we're goning to be leaving and we'll be here first thing tomarrow morning to check you out' Amy said with a smile before Andy, Jake left along with her trailing behind. I heaved a sigh of immediate bordom and immeditly regretted it. It hurt to sigh.

'God, I hate being so . . . so . . . unable to do stuff!' I compained, Mixtly laughed alittle.

'So, what me and you are gonna do is see if you could walk!' mixtly clapped happily.

'Why do you need to see if I could walk, I wasnt shot by the spin or below my waiste' I said confused.

'I know, makes no sense, but its what we ar required to do when a patient is shot below the ribs' She said with a pleasant smile. 

'Your right it makes no sense' I said looking at her blankly.

'Well I dont have time to explane but we should get you un hooked from this stuff sense you dont need it so um wait here' She said holding up a finger before leaving the room and coming back with an old man who unhooked me from all the needles in my arms.

'Um . . . what know?' I asked as I sat ther and watched the old man leave.

'Now we see if you could walk!' Mixtly clapped happily, rolling my eyes I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and hopped downa nd looked at Mixtly.

'Good, now walk to me' she said taking a couple of stepps back. Sighing and hissing in pain I walked the distance to Mixtly, she clapped with excitment.

'Good! Now, lets go down the hall to my office!' She sqealed, I looked at her confused, i didnt have shoes, or slippers. I was not about to walk on that cold hospital floor barefoot. I shook my head.

'I'm not going out there' I said

'Andilyn you have to if you wnt to leave tomarrow' Mixtly whined.

'Fine!' I yelled as Mixtly walked out the room, quickly I followed her into her office.

'Nice office, howd you get it. I thought only doctors had one?' I said looking around.

'They do, my aunt gave it to me considering she never really uses it' Mixtly shrugged.


'Home!' I yelled with my arms open as I walked inside with Andy walking behind me.

'Never knew you missed it that much' Andy laughed from behind.

'I dont, it's better here than that hospital' I said rinkling my nose.

'So um . . . do I have to go to school tomarrow?' I asked turning to Amy.

'NO, you get to stay home with Andy and rest for the rest of the week' Amy said, I smiled. I didnt have to go to school! It was only Sunday, I didnt have to go to school till next Monday! Sweet!

'Andi, cant wait to see all the things you do when no supervision is provided. I dont count sense I'm basically like you but mom still trust me' Andy said smiling smuggly.

'I only trust you because your older' Amy said getting up and leving the living room shaking her head laughing slightly.

'What should we do, Amy's going out for the rest of the day' Andy smirked, I smirked back. I walked over to the iPod speakers plugged my iPod in and played 'The drug in me is you' by Falling in reverse. Andy rinkled his nose in distaste, I shook my head while lauing as I sang along to the beginning.

I went and on the couch, Andy turned on the tv anf slunked down next to me. I rested my head on his shoulder as he put on a scary movie. I love scary movies! Seriously I do!


Sorry chapter was short, couldnt really think of anything but I just couldnt leave you guys waiting anylonger. So I decided to push myself so of this chapter sucks I'm sorry. The song 'The drug in me is you' is on the side. Hope, I really do, hoped you enjoyed the chapter and the song. :)

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