Chapter 4 [EDITED 12/1/14]

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So, this chapter is suddenly considered R rated because of the foul language in here that I naturally use on a daily basis and I'm sorry for writing this as if Andilyn were myself...which she kind of almost is very similar except for the being adopted part and meeting band membes and shit. 

Sorry about the rating, though. 


We sat in the café for three hours. Three fucking hours. Andy came inside with a scowl on his face. I don't understand why we were there for so long, I mean there wasn't that much fans... but then more came as some left. I've only been here for two days... and I had managed to piss Andy Biersack off. I say this is a major success.

Andy no longer wore his black vest, the material in tatters being held in his left hand. I did not expect those people to go as far to rip it off....

"You're in so much trouble," he growled as he slipped into the seat in front of me and Ashley. I smirked at him and ran my hand through my hair.

"Well, that's what you get for dropping me in cold Pacific water, ruining my hair and making it look like I've been crying for the past five hours," I nearly growled back whilst narrowing my eyes. His scowl turned into a slight smile and his eyes lit up with sudden happiness.

"I like the way you think," he smiled and winked at me before ruffling my hair.

"Right..." I trailed off, watching someone I didn't want to see at the moment walk into the café. I had prayed in my head for him not to see me, but God just loves ruining things in my life. The bad thing about this is that I'm sat on the edge of booth.

"I've been looking everywhere for you, Andilyn. I've found you... and I'm rather surprised you're over here," he pulled me to my feet by the collar of me shirt. His name was Mike, the name sounded rancid rolling off my tongue.

I've gotten into a lot of trouble with this guy in the past, I've even gotten him in trouble... now he hates me and wants revenge or some shit.

"Hey, hey, hands off my shirt!" I swatted his hands away and straightened out my shirt, frowning at the collar. "I liked this shirt.." he lifted me off the ground by my shirt again, pushing me up against the booth dividers.

"Hey! Get your hands off of her!" Ashley hissed, walking over to Mike. Mike pushed him away and he fell onto the table.

I shoved Mike away from me and I dropped very ungracefully onto my feet before I kneed him in his stomach. When he keeled over, I took the open opportunity to run. I ran out the door with Mike hot on my heels.

"Get back here, Andilyn! You and I aren't finished!" he yelled, the sound of his angry voice causing me to run faster. Sweet Jesus, this is the most exercise I've gotten in a month. 

"Andi!" Andy yelled, "Watch out!" I turned to find Andy pointing to one of Mike's friends running towards me. It was a girl and she could actually hit me. 

"Shit," I cursed under my breath and turned sharply to my left, which in retrospect didn't make a difference because there was no use since Mike's friend was on the track team and she as fast as fuck. I wasn't sure if I was able to outrun her. 

Nope. I had come to the conclusion when she tackled me into the sand, someone it getting in my mouth and eyes. We rolled to a stop with her sitting on my stomach. She snapped her open hand back before quickly striking me across the face with her tiny, oddly rough hands. 

A laugh escapd my lips and my tongue darted out, licking over the wound that was left from her slap that merely stung rather than cause me real pain. 

Adopted into the Biersack FamilyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora