Chapter 21

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Gummy bears, gummy bears, gummy bears.

Gummy bears, gummy bears, gummy bears. I LOVE GUMMY BEARS!

I love biting the heads off first.

"I love gummy bears!" I mumbled, Andy laughed by my side.

"Gummy bears are cool. Gummy worms are better." Ash shrugged, I felt my eye twitch. I got up and slapped him so hard, my hand stung.

"DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT!" I yelled, and slapped him again. Ash rubbed his check.

"Damn... I've never been slapped that hard before!" He said in awe.

"Don't dis gummy bears. Do it again and I'll chop off the thing you seem to use alot..." I hissed in his ear. I am serious of my gummy bears.

"I-I'm sorry!" He stuttered. I just glared at him.

I sat there for another hour, I eat my gummy bears slow... After I finished my last gummy bear, I frowned. I got up and threw the wrapper away.

I sat back down on the couch. I laid on my back and looked up at the bus ceiling. I felt my eyes begin to droop, and I gave into sleeps calling...

I woke up probably a few hours later to a dark bus. I looked outside to see a starry sky. I frowned, I was never going to go back to sleep now. I got up off the couch and walked to the bunks. But something wasn't right... Nobody was in their bunks. Retards left me!

Quickly getting over it, I walked to the bathroom. I suddenly felt dizzy. I was about the through up. I quickly turned and puiked in the toilet. The throw-up tasted horrible... -_-

I grabbed my toothrbush from my suitcase under the bunks, and quickly brushed my teethe. I got that horrible taste out my mouth. I opened the small bathroom window, to air out that disgusting smell and flushed the toilet. I grabbed my iPod, and earbuds, and laid down in my bunk.

I laid down on my left side, it made my stomach feel better. After a while. I fell back asleep...

I awoke to the guy laughing. I was feeling much better. My stomach didn't hurt anymore... Maybe I won't throw-up :D

I pulled out my earbuds, got out and grudgingly walked out into the little dinning room.

"You guys are loud..." I yawned as I walked in and laid on the couch.

"You look like shi-" Ash began, but I cut him off, and gave him the death glare.

"Well, duh, that tends to happen when you throw-up!" I snapped.

"You threw-up?" Andy asked.

"Yes... It taste horrible, I suggest you not keep it in your mouth for too long..." I trailed off.

Andy shrugged and started talking about something completely random, I wasn't paying attention. I got up and laid down on my left side. My stomach started to hurt again. But it quickly went away as I laid down on my left side.

I fell back asleep.... -_-

"Andilyn... Andy wants you to get up..." Someone said, I didn't quite recognise the voice, but it sounded familiar...

"Tell him to go screw Ash..." I mumbled, keeping my eyes closed and turned the other way. The person chuckled.

"Andy! She said to go screw Ashley!" The person laughed.

"Andi! Get up!" Andy screamed in my ear. I screamed in responce---startled---I grabbed onto what seemed like Andy's hair as I fell off the couch.

"OOOOOOWWWWWW," Andy yelled as I pulled his hair. I didn't let his hair go, I continued to pull it. "Andi! Let my hair go! That hurts!"

"Thats the whole point! Never scream in my ear when I'm sleeping!" I hissed as I looked up at Andy. his blue eyes glared at me, I smiled and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Hi..." The person said. I sat up to see... Danny Worsnob!

"Hey," I replied, not really paying attention. I looked down at my phone... Seeing a text from... Ashley.

Ash: I hav ur bra on my hed!

And below the text, was a picture of Ashley with my black bra on his head and strapped around his chin. He walked out into the small dinning area with my bra on his head.

"Your bra fits nicely on my head..." Ash smirked at me. I believe my eye twitch.

"If you want to live... I suggest you take my bra off your head!" I said through clenched teeth, my hands were clenched into fists so tight, my knuckles were white. Ash's smirk faded. He quickly opened the bus door and ran out---my bra still on his head---I got up and ran out after him.

I was a fast runner.

"RUN ANDI, RUN!" Andy yelled. I was quickly catching up to Ashley. He looked back. His eyes widened and he picked up his pace.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" I yelled and ran faster.

I quickly caught up and jumped on Ashley's back. The sound of distant running filled my ears. Andy and Danny were by us, looking down at us. Breathing heavy. I socked Ashley in the jaw. He looked up and glared at me. I pulled his hair and took my bra. He sat up and rubbed his jaw.

"My poor bra, tramatized for life!" I cried and held my bra to my chest.

"Andi, your boobs are big for the size of your frame," Ash commented as he got up and rubbed his jaw somemore. "And you hit hard."

"I hate you right now, don't even talk to me!" I snapped.

"Don't worry, Ash, I think it's her time of the month!" Andy laughed, I kicked him in the shin.

I muttered violent death threats under my breath as I walked back to the bus.

And you know what? Those guys are really irritating!


Sorry for late upload and short chapter. We ran out of coffee.....................................................................................................................................................Again -_-  >.>

So, Andi got sick and barfed. Danny Worsnob wa breifly introduced. Andi socked Ash in the face, pulled his hair twice, threatened to chop off the thing he uses most, and no. It's not his tongue...

Ash dissed gummy bears; bad mistake. And he strapped Andi's bra to his head... And then ran out the bus... Wounderful...

Well, if you excuse me, I have more coffee to drink :D


My-my... My-my... What ever you want to call yourselves :)

Adopted into the Biersack FamilyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ