Chapter 37

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“Like what you see?” Avery gestured to himself smirking slightly.

I snorted, “You wish.”

He laughed, “Well isn’t someone full of themselves.”

“Shut up.” I smacked his arm but bit my lip to stop from smiling. We made it to our first class and he followed me to the back were he pulled up a desk next to mine.

“What are you doing?” I asked smiling.

“What does it look like?” he asked in a duh tone, “I wanted to sit next to you.”

“Okay but if we get in trouble, it’s on you.” I told him taking my seat.

“Fine but we won’t get into trouble. How was your weekend?” He asked casually.

“Perfect.” I smiled brightly and he turned to look me in the eyes. His eyes held so much emotion it scared me, they held happiness, joy, sadness, disappointment and...Love?

Love? No I must have imagined it but I didn’t get time for a second look of reassurances because he quickly looked away.

“So you didn’t miss me too much?” he teased lightly smirking.

How did he know? I blushed and shook my head again, “Not really,” I muttered. His smirk widened, knowing the true answer and I looked away as my face heated up even more.

He chuckled and his fingers touched my cheeks and my heart skipped. He pulled my face so we were eye to eye, “Don’t worry I missed you too.”

A stupid crazy smile spread across my face before I could stop myself and his lips twitched while his eyes shone with happiness.

“Hey!” Ryder yelled really loudly making us jump apart. We were unconsciously leaning closer while staring into our eyes, I blushed darkly.

Ryder laughed and Molly giggled before sitting down next to me. Avery punched

Ryder in the arm, “Dude you guys were so close. Were you guys going to kiss?” He sang loudly.

I blushed deeper and Avery punched him again, “shut up.” He muttered, but reached over and grabbed my hand.  A smile spread across my face and I squeezed his hand, telling him that this was okay.

He squeezed back, I laughed and he laughed with me while Molly smirked at us andRyder looked at us like we were crazy.


Short and not much happened but PROM's tomorrow and I've been slightly distracted... Sorry but It willbe long next time....:)

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