*Part 47*

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Harry Potter has a new status

"Guys I need to tell you something..I am gay"

Ron : Gahhh *gasp*

Draco : *My secret fantasy is finally coming true*

Hermy : No you're not..You dated Cho and Ginny

Harry : And I hated both of them

Dumbly : Harry would you date me?

Ron : *gasp* Dumbly is gay too??

Snape : No way old man..Potter I order you to go out with me

Harry : I thought you were still obsessing over my mom

Snape : Well now I can get her son

Hermy : That is actualy sick

Draco : Back off everyone..Potter is mine

Harry : I have always waited for this moment Draco <3

Ron : My eyes..Argghhh *has logged out because his eyes burn*

Hermy has logged out to go see Ron

Snape and Dumbly have logged out due to heart break

Draco and Harry have logged out to snog each other

And nobody realised that someone else was spying on them.....Find out in the next chapter who was spying them and what are the consequences...Mwahahaha..I feel evil

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