Random Chats!!!

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All the characters below belongs to J.K.Rowling

Ginny : OMG!!! I saw Harry Potter today!!! I am soo going to stalk him

Ron : Umm Ginny do you mind not scaring off my friend? *OMG I am sitting together with Harry Potter in the train..I am going to be his best friend and follow him wherever he goes..faints from exitement*

Fred : Such immature babies.

George : Come on Fred let's play a prank on the first years.

Ron & Ginny : *sulking*

Ron : You can't do that. Mommy said you are not allowed to play pranks on the students.

George : I am soo scared that my legs are shaking.

Fred : She dosen't need to know anything that happens here does she Ronald? *sarcasm*

Ron : Yes she does!!! Mommy!!! Fred and George are going to play a prank on the first years!!

Molly : Fred!!George!! How dare you play a joke on the poor innocent souls. I am absolutely ashamed of the both of you..

Fred & George have logged out.

Molly : Come back here you two. I am not done with you yet. Fine I guess I will just send them howlers then.

Harry : o.O WTH just happened here and what's a howler?

Molly : You'll find out about that tomorrow Harry dear.

Hey everyone!!! This is my first time writting this. I hope you all have a good laugh and enjoy the chats. Please comment and vote.

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