*Part 75*

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Ron : Hey Harry?

Harry : Yes best friend. What do you want?

Ron : Ermm don't get mad okay? I did something bad.

Harry : Lol don't worry Ron. I would not get mad at my best friend. It's not as if you have messed up my Justin Bieber poster right? Then I would be really mad of course.

Ron : Errr...haha *laughs nervously* Well..I didn't really mess it up..


Ron : It wasn't my fault Harry. I was dreaming that I was a lion and I was chasing and scratching Scabbers. I thought your posters were Scabbers and scratched them.

Harry : I am officially unfriending you Ron. Please do not talk to me anymore and do not attempt to make any kind of communication with me.

Ron : But Harry...It wasn't my fault. It was because I was angry at Scabbers and I dreamed about him that night.

Harry : I don't care Ron. Whoever destroys my posters are my enemies.

Dumbly : What is going on here?

Harry : Ron ruined my JB posters.

Dumbly : :-0 You did what Ronald Weasley? How dare you do that? You disgust me.

Ron : Guys it's just a poster. Anyway Dumbly can't you fix it? I thought you were the greatest wizard ever?

Dumbly : *pretends not to hear Ron* I am giving you detention for the rest of the term Mr.Weasley.

Ron : WHATTT??? You can't do that Dumbly. Harry I'm really sorry okay? Tell Dumbly not to give me detention.

Harry : Huh? Do I know you?

Ron : -__-

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