*Part 13*

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*Harry is online*

*Hermione is online*

*Ron is online*

*Luna is online*

*Dumbledore is online*

*Minerva is online*

*Draco is online*

*Voldy is online*

*Bellatrix is online*

*Snape is online*

Snape : Hello everyone.

Snape : ........

Snape : Anybody?? Why are you all ignoring me??

Snape : Mommy!!! Nobody wants to talk to me ;(

*Snape has logged off crying for his mommy*

Voldy : What a crybaby

Bellatrix : Why did you accept him as a Death Eater My Lord?

Voldy : So that we can bake more cookies (::)

Ron : Yeay cookies!!! I want one

Voldy : o.O Its only for Death Eaters who are against Potter.

Ron : Sorry Harry. Cookies are more tempting.

Harry : I have such wonderfull friends :(

Voldy : Haha in your face Potter.

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