*Part 74*

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This is the continuation from the previous chapters guys.

*Harry, Ron, Hermy, Sirius, Fred and George arrive at Hogwarts. Dumbly is waiting for them at The Great Hall.*

Dumbly : Well well well. What do we have here.

Harry : Don't worry guys. I can handle this. I'm his favourite student. He'll listen to whatever I say.

Ron : Make sure we don't get detention Harry. I heard Dumbly's punishments are the worst.

Harry : Hey there my favourite professor ever. Whats up.

Dumbly : Don't you dare talk to me like that Harry James Potter.

Hermy : Whoa Dumbly's really mad. But why is he mad. We didn't break any rule.

Dumbly : You don't know why I'm upset Miss Granger? I thought you were supposed to be the clever one.

Sirius : I have never seen Dumbly behave so childishly. This is terrible.

Fred : Agreed. This is a nightmare.

Dumbly : Why wasn't I invited to the ghost house? I want to go too. I was left all alone here. Why does everyone hate me. *sob sob*

Ron : Ermm okaayy..I totally did not expect this.

Hermy : Professor I didn't know you would want to hang out with the students. That's so weired.

Dumbly : Just because I'm old you think I cannot have fun?

Hermy : I did not say that professor.

Harry : Why not hang with your gang Dumbly? Like Snape or Hagrid.

Dumbly : Snape? Seriously Harry? You studied with him for 6 years and you are telling me to have fun with Snape?

Harry : Well I guess that won't work out.

Sirius : Look Dumbly. We're really sorry that you were not invited okay? Now can we please go?

Dumbly : What? No way. You all will be getting detention.

Ron : But that's not fair. Why should we be punished? We didn't break any rule.

Dumbly : I don't care Weaselbee. All of you have to write "Next time we will include the fabulous and great Dumbly in all our plans." 1000 times.

Ron : What? Are you serious Dumbly? Fabulous and great? This is too much.

Hermy : Yeah I agree with Ron. I am not writing the lines.

Dumbly : I think we should increase it to 2000 lines. What do you think Miss Granger?

Hermy : :-0 Ermm. I meant we will start writing the lines right away.

Harry : This is really the most terrible day of my life.

Sirius : Wait a minute. I'm not a student so I do not need to do the lines. "Dancing around happily."

Dumbly : If you do not write the lines I'll hand you over to the Ministry of Magic.

Sirius : I hate Dumbly.

Ron : Don't we all.

Hermy : Shut up Ron. He'll hear you and give us more lines.

* Harry, Ron, Hermy, Sirius, Fred and George finish writing the lines.*

*Draco finally arrives at Hogwarts.*

Draco : Hey what did I miss?

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