*Part 32*

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Harry has a new status

"I miss Cedric..He was a really good person and didn't deserve to die"

Ron : Well it was really sad but there was nothing you could have done Harry

Edward : Guys chill I am perfectly fine

Harry : Cedric??? You're alive?? Are you sick? You look so pale

Ron : You should go see Madam Pomfrey Ced

Edward : Guys I am not pale..In order to live I had to become a vampire

Harry : We are not going to fall for that Ced

Edward : I'll prove it then * stands under the sun and shows them his fangs*

Harry & Ron : Arghhh!!!

Edward : And my name is Edward not Cedric!!!!

Harry : Voldy kill him please..He sparkles

Voldy : For once I agree with you Potter..I am going to kill you sparkling vampy

Edward : Why does everyone hates me?? *cries for his mommy*

Voldy : Avada kedavra!!!!

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