*Part 71*

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Hermy : Guys lets visit the Ghost House today.

Ron : Huh? Why do you want to go to the Ghost House?

Harry : Yeah Hermy. Why would you go there?

Hermy : Well why not? I heard its really fun.

Ron : -__- Ghost houses are not supposed to be fun. They're supposed to be scary.

Hermy : OMG Ron said something intelligent.

Harry : Its a miracle.

Ron : Come on guys. I say lots of intelligent stuff all the time.

Hermy : No you don't Ron.

Ron : Whatever Hermy. Anyway why do you want to go to a ghost house? There are many ghosts here in Hogwarts.

Harry : OMG Ron said another intelligent thing. How did I not think of that? Ron is right Hermy. Hogwarts is full of ghosts. Why do you need to go somewhere else to see ghosts?

Hermy : Harry not you too. This is different.

Harry : No its not. I think its a waste of time.

Ron : Yeah lets go to the Honeydukes Harry.

Harry : Now that's an idea. Wanna come Hermy?

Hermy : If you two don't follow me to the ghost house I'll never lend you my notes again and I'll let you fail in all the exams.

Ron & Harry : NOOOO!!!!

Harry : No Hermy don't do that. We will follow you wherever you go.

Ron : Yeah Hermy. Please don't let us fail. My mom will kill me.

Hermy : Good so we will be going to the ghost house now.

Look out for the next part to know what happens in the ghost house. Don't forget to vote and comment. :-D

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