*Part 37*

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Ron : *Sees a car* Harry!!! There's  a car there. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Fred & George : Hey that's our line!!!

Harry : I sure am Ron.

Ron : Can I drive?

Harry : Fine just don't try to kill us like you almost did last time.

Ron : *Runs to the car like a maniac* Put on your seatbelt Harry. *Starts the car and starts jabbing on some buttons* How do I make this thing fly??

Harry : I don't know..Just like how you drive your father's car I guess.

Ron : Ok. *presses the oil*

Harry : Argghh!!! Ron we are going to crash!!! I am too awesome to die

Ron : Arggghhh.Harry some muggles are running towards us

Muggle : Who are you and what did you do to my car??

Harry : Ron get off the car now!! The owner is here.

Ron :I am never going to drive again.

Harry : Yeah you shouldn't..Its the second time you almost killed me.

Umm I know this is boring guys..I promise the next one will be better. Don't forget to vote comment and follow :D

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