*Part 53*

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Ron : Just because you have a stupid scar dosen't mean we all have to follow your orders Potter.

Harry : Whoa since when did you start calling me Potter?

Ron : Since you started treating me like a slave.

Hermy : Guys what is going on here?

Ron : Harry is treating me like a slave..He makes me wash his back, do his homework and clean Hedwig's droppings without using magic :-(

Harry : Hey you should consider that an honour Ronald Weasley..Not everyone gets the chance to wash The Chosen One's back, do his homework and clean his pet's droppings.

Hermy : Harry you can't make him do that. This is outrageous.

Harry : Why not? I am the master of this world..I defeated Voldemort.

Ron : I am not speaking to you again Harry. Not until you learn to value your friends.

Harry : What? I do appreaciate you Ron. Come back and do my homework.

Hermy : Ron is right Harry. I am not talking to you too. Go and do your work yourself.

Harry : ;-(

Voldy : Wahahaha..Potty has no friends.

*Harry has logged out*

Voldy : Why am I always left alone?

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